I bet most of you who read my post are aware of the Kuroshitsuji Musical, yeah? Well, turns out that the musical is a BIG success. And when the musical was on the show, they actually filmed it so it was expected that a DVD version for the said musical is going to be out soon.

And sure enough. As what was stated in the official site, kuroshitsuji.tv, the DVD is going to be out soon and preorder on most Japanese online retail sites are already available. =D But unless you're actually living in Japan, don't think you will be able to preorder them now. So you will have to wait and pray that CD JAPAN will be holding them in so you can get your grubby hands on them. I checked CD JAPAN and it's already available on for preorder. Should be around 104SGD without shipping. The musical is a BLAST so they said.
But since I wasn't there, can't comment much on it. I really wish I was though. D; Reading the reviews made me wish that the DVD will be coming out asap. ~_~
2009/12/2 RELEASE
品番:ANSB-5533/ 価格:\7,350(税込)
・DVD2枚組(本編約110分 + 特典映像約60分)
出演者: 松下優也、阪本奨悟、小山剛志、南翔太、猪狩敦子、植原卓也、
龍弥、和泉宗兵、伊勢直弘、青柳塁斗、宮下雄也、押野大地 ほか
D8 It will be released on 2nd of December, 2009 for a whooping 7000 yen on CD Japan with extras. So anyone who wants to get it, please pre-order it now cause it's a limited pressing. =D I, for myself, would love to get it buuut considering the tight budget am on now, would not be able to. (cries) TwT
Even if I manage to kumpul the cash just in time, I bet it will be finished by then.
Ahh...DAMN IT. ~_~
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