I think am starting to turn this into a review blog. Lawl. But fear not, it WILL not be a review blog, ne. Just me ranting on stuffs that I love and enjoy doing and basically what am doing now in life too. People seemed to have think that am dead or something. ;_; But am not, really. I have just been enjoying myself at home...go out when am asked to as well as mingling around with my lappy and ps2.
Mostly on the PS2 part though.
I got meself a part-time job that only lets me work on Sundays, helping them with their car stocks. Woohoot. So...basically I have to go there every Sunday. Dx Whyyy sundaysssss. Maybe that's when I can work in peace..? :/ Arranging them is a pain in the butt. Seriously. At least I have my aunt to help me. =D This has kinda been going on for a few weeks now. (I even forgot the time when I started work.) @.@ Bet you guys are wondering why I don't go online Sunday morning and afternoon now...It's because of the above mentioned. Haiss. ~_~
Writing fictions is fun. Currently, am working on a
Souji (MC) /Yousuke fanfic from
Persona 4 for Jackie. xD She prompted me with karaoke, spiked drinks, confessions, toilet, heavy smut. lolololol But then, I came up with Yousuke not liking Souji's sudden public display of affection. Hahahaha. Don't worry, babe. Will start working on that once I finished this. Half-way through now. Also, I am in the process of writing a
Togainu no Chi fiction, of course,
Shiki/Akira based on
Shiki's 3rd ending. Not really happy with Shiki's true ending though...
I feel like am the happiest girl on Earth. ^o^ I managed to get my hands on my copy of
Junjou Romantica for the PS2.
Yes, I have been invading my Ps2 with yaoi. It is fun though,
wtaching and playing it on my PS2....and my TV! OMIGOSH. @.@ *nosebleed* Then I managed to get my hands on
Sweet Pool, another yaoi game from the ever so awesome
Nitro Chiral. And also
got myself another copy of Togainu no Chi in chinese but the voices are all in their original Jap dub. Am such a happy girl! Now I understand the events going on in Togainu no Chi!! And managed to get through the routes without any problems at all!
And also got my hands on a couple of items too! Will post them now after this!
First off,
JUNJOU ROMANTICA -Doki Doki Love Challenge something- [PS2]A rough translation of the title. lololol But I swear it's something like that. Basically the game is about the main characters from the hit manga and then turned anime, Junjou Romantica by the godly Shungiku Nakamura sensei. 8D Heard of her somewhere? My last post was about this amazing manga by her, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi which is set in the Junjou universe also. But anyways, let's move on to the actual topic.
Basically, it's about the love life of the characters and different routes you pick for them will bring them to certain ends. No, not deaths. lol Like different endings and I bet fangirls would want to see thme banging each other, especially when you're playing it on TV. Well, sorry. I have been through almost all of the endings except the locked ones. Well, will tell you what they mean later. And all I see are sweet moments that deserved to be my laptop's wallpaper. After playing the game, I swear...my insides gets this warm and fuzzy feeling. Damn, wish I have a sweet boyfriend like Nowaki. ~_~
And no, my mom don't know what I have been doing. XD She did walk in to a scene when Shinobu pinned Miyagi to the floor in order to make the walked in Hiroki jealous cause he somehow thought that Miyagi and Hiroki are doing something behind his back. Oh, the jealousy. ~_~;; But Hiroki already have Nowaki.
My sister, Jiuan, said something that me and my other sister, Ping lawl. "Look at Hiroki, so petite, if a typhoon comes, he will be the first one to be sweep away."
We looked at her blankly and said in unison, "But Nowaki IS the typhoon. His name meant typhoon." Then she wnet wtf and started lawling also. 8D That proves enough that they're the perfect couple together.
I am not really fond of the other couples. My first will be Junjou Egoist, then terrorist, then Romantica. xD Dunnoe why. Probably the touching scene when Nowaki was shouting that he don't want to accept this x infinite when he chased Hiroki down the hallway. Sad, huh. That part almost made me cry. Okay...I think am going off topic. lololol
Anyways, the game is in Japanese. =D But trust me, it's not that hard to understand. I find myself understanding the stuffs they have been saying. @.@ Weird. And the plots too. lol
For terrorist, basically it's about Shinobu getting jealous that Miyagi have been spending a lot of time in the office with Hiroki lately and Miyagi once again being clueless, then finally realized what's wrong...and then go to comfort Shinobu. The lovely CG scene when Miyagi grabbed Shinobu's arm to not let him run away in anger. and the stuffs they said that time..made me go gfagfhfsHFSfshgdfahfdhafdha. D8 And I freaking understood wtf they're saying. Mai gawd. (Took me quite a while to unlock that scene. Hell. But it's worth it. XD) But not necessarily Shinobu will think that nothing is going on between Miyagi and Hiroki so you have to becareful on the choices you choose through the game. Different choices unlocks different endings and more CGs.
As for Egoist, schedules tight so he and Nowaki couln't spend much time together. Hiroki's trying to find a perfect gift for Nowaki. He started stalking Nowaki around just to find out what he likes...Then felt down, cause he realized he don't know Nowaki that well. lololololol So he started to go emo. :/ Four endings to this. I haven't unlock the other two yet. But for the first two endings I got. Hiroki decided to finally give him flowers (depends on the choice you make, if you chose to stay, Akihiko Usami will stop by and Hiroki will ask him to give advices) and then Nowaki would be very happy and he will hug him. Lawl. Pretty CGs in this ending.
But if you chose not to stay and go out to find Nowaki's pressy, Hiroki will get fed up of searcing around and decided on the initial plan he got in the first place. That is, he will be the present. Of course, he told Nowaki the reasons why, and demandingly said there will be NO second time he will be doing this before shyly said, he himself is the present. Made my sisters and me squealed like hell when Nowaki although surprised, tackled him to the ground and proceed to the hug of death and kissed him. Lawl. Made me wonder how come his reaction in that one is much more bigger to the ending that Hiroki decided to give him flowers. A lot of pretty CGs in this too.
Haven't finished Romantica yet. Still playing it. Hahahaa. So can't say much on the plot. But so far, Aikawa and Isaka asked Misaki to bring Usagi out on a date for "research" for Usagi's novel since he's lacking inspirations and both of them (Isaka and Aikawa) wants Usagi to finish it before his deadline which is actually soon. lololol As usual, he got happy, syaing because it's a date. Misaki got all defensive and said, it's not a date. It's for work and research. And believed it or not, they went to watch a action(?) movie. Somehow, they arrived late so they didn't manage to watch the movie in time so Usagi decided to choose another movie to watch...a love movie. lolololol Miskai of course, flushed up different shades of red. It ddin't help much when Usagi grabbed his hand in the theatre even though they're sitting next to each other. Then they went home with a very happy Usagi-sensei. lololol I stopped there. Seriously. lol Cause my mom asked me to shut it and it was so late yesterday night again. ~_~ But that scene is sooo cutee!! XD Couldn't resist it.
Okay, not done. Let's move on to the screenshots. My sister took them with her phone camera so it's not that clear. But ignore those black lines or shades...cause as you know camera + tv = that. lolololol.
XD The grand menu where you press START. Nice music. 8D
Choosing Misaki from the menu will let you start the game. But you are allowed to choose which story to go to. Terrorist? Egoist? or Romantica?
Choosing grumpy Hiroki will let you view the CGs you ahve collected by completing them, music player for the musics you have unlocked as well as a movie player replaying the important scenes you have go through in the game.
Choosing Shinobu from the menu will let you go through the bookmarks you have collected through the three stories. You can get them when you through certain scenes in the stories and these are needed if you want to play their other locked endings. They are used to unlock options that you cannot choose before.
Choosing Miyagi, will let you play mini games you unlocked by collecting the bookmarks.
Choosing Usagi from the menu will let you load your save file and choosing Nowaki will let you edit your game settings.
To start the game, choose Misaki from the menu and three sub-menus will come up. Choose either one to start. If you want to start the Egoist story first, press on the button (O). I recommend you guys to ahve at least two save files at some part of the game for each stories. That helped me a lot especially if you don't wnat to go through from the start again to get the other endings.
SS #1 - Romantica
SS #2 - Egoist
SS #3 - Egoist

SS #4 - Egoist

SS #5 - Egoist

This is where you view the CGs you collected through the game. XD I started Terrorist first.

Here's the Music player. 8D Still need to unlock a few more for me.

Playing this game for me...is like doing another stack of homeworks. I have to carefully go through each and every one of the routes...and that is what I came up with. lololol -die- So tiring.

Ignore my handwriting...I have trouble writing in Japanese. @.@

Again, forgive my ugly handwriting. (cries)
And that's all for now. I will post the Togainu no Chi review next time. Ja-ne~ =D