Speaking of which...okay. Amal called and I went down to pick up my stuffs. It was really hard not to cry at that time. I was trying my best not to get all teary and all blasted, one of them DID freaking dropped and I was looking like a fool trying to get it back in. WTF was I thinking. Am crazy for doing that. It was...tempting to run towards her like those crazy indian movies seriously, no offence and hug her right on the spot. D8
I love you, Mal. I seriously do. Although how much of a nitwit I have been for the past few years. Our friendship do count. You changed my life. You seriously do. You helped me got through the hardships of life whenever life is being such a bitch to a little girl like me. GAGAGAGAGA. I swear am letting my emotions pour out right now. I FRIGGING SWEAR.
Now if only I can get my swearings to a minimum. Maybe gonna make this journal 18+ only. Pfft.Now, back on topic before I get all melt down again.
She just came to drop by my stuffs. And I really feel like I was about to breakdown at the moment itself. I seriously don't want her to go. But it's for her future's sake. She has a bright one, mind you. And I am still stuck here wondering wth is going to happen to me. UBD or UK. Still thinking man. Still thinking. May all the best goes with her. I know she will prosper! And I wish her tons of luck for that! :) Good luck, mal! And I will try not to cry like a big sissy when you leave. No guaranteed about it.
And not only that. I SERIOUSLY LOVE THE STUFF SHE GAVE ME. ZOMGBBQWTFWTHFBEWFGBWJFGWJF; 8D I have a soft spot for silver-haired guys.
I love you, Mal. I seriously do. Although how much of a nitwit I have been for the past few years. Our friendship do count. You changed my life. You seriously do. You helped me got through the hardships of life whenever life is being such a bitch to a little girl like me. GAGAGAGAGA. I swear am letting my emotions pour out right now. I FRIGGING SWEAR.
Now if only I can get my swearings to a minimum. Maybe gonna make this journal 18+ only. Pfft.
She just came to drop by my stuffs. And I really feel like I was about to breakdown at the moment itself. I seriously don't want her to go. But it's for her future's sake. She has a bright one, mind you. And I am still stuck here wondering wth is going to happen to me. UBD or UK. Still thinking man. Still thinking. May all the best goes with her. I know she will prosper! And I wish her tons of luck for that! :) Good luck, mal! And I will try not to cry like a big sissy when you leave.
And not only that. I SERIOUSLY LOVE THE STUFF SHE GAVE ME. ZOMGBBQWTFWTHFBEWFGBWJFGWJF; 8D I have a soft spot for silver-haired guys.

And we all know soft paper makes you feel everything. 8D

Don't cry, girl. Don't cry. -pointingtoselfwho'ssniffingrightnowintears- D;

I swear. LIFE WAS NEVA THIS GOOD. I squealed like a girl when I practically ripped it open once I saw the Final Fantasy Advent Children thingy. Oh gawd. MY FIRST SEPHIROTH FIGURE. OH SNAPP. Stay strong, girl, stay strong. -againpointingtoselfwho'spracticallycryingrightnow-

p.s: fuck you internet, for not letting me lj cut this long post. D8 Sorry for that, guys.
XD. . congrats! now i need to find u a gift . . .pokeballs possibly ? 「(゚ ペ )
I know. McDonalds. Go buy kids meal and it's free. 8D
Oh, your friend is so sweet ;~; YAY SEPHIROTH! 8DDDD
I love her so much.
Goodness I need to hang with my best friend. We have been busy since winter break and I need to play catch up with her. That's cool that your best friend did that for you.
:DDDD She's awesome. Isn't she? 8D
Aw, you're so lucky~! I don't have figures of anything...x_x
I used to be a huge lover of them but then cosplay just hooked me up. 8D
Awww... *huggles* TWT
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