Another thing to add in my wishlist. I was this bloody close to buying it after my card is working. but then again, didn't want to. Dx Cause I have to make Kenshin again. If I didn't make Kenshin, I would have gotten this instead. Am not gonna screw it but...I will wait for the time is right to buy it. Like maybe during my UBD years or even after Kenshin and maybe after I work!!
My connection has been really sucky recently, especially yesterday. I was downloading some mangas and then suddenly no service. I have to redownload everything again. Yesterday was fun. Since Amal is gonna go off soon so better make some sweet memories together, don't you think so?
So I woke up at around nine something...but then decided to stay once again in bed for around ten. >_>;; Then I baru wanna wake up. lolololol What? My mind wasn't functioning well at that moment. After that when I looked at the time. ROFL. My mind decided to go at supersonic speed. And I managed to get dressed, washed and made my bed in time. =D
Am speedy. = 3=
I went down when Jacky miscalled. Hurhurhurhurhurhurhur~ Don't wanna get the same old "why you still going out" lecture from my aunt next door so I went down barefooted. And yay! Am safe in Amal's car!!!
Our first destnation is Amal's medical checkup. There, I discover a lot of the books that I wanna read has a forensic theme in it. :x Probably because it's a clinic. lololol And there's this one that's really nice. I mean, I can't believe I was so engrossed in that book that I didn't notice Jackie was practically yelling at me.
It's called the "FACE OF DECEPTION". And Jackie practicall giggled at the Looks can kill part. :/ Here's the summary~
An unidentified skull...
A trail of terrifying secrets...
And a woman whose talented hands could reveal the shocking truth...
As a forensic sculptor, Eve Duncan helps identify the dead from their skulls. Her own daughter murdered and her body never found, the job is Eve's way of coming to terms with her personal nightmare. But more terror lies ahead when she accepts work from billionaire John Logan. Beneath her gifted hands a face emerges from the skull he has given her to reconstruct -- a face no one was ever meant to see. Now Eve is trapped in a frightening web of murder and deceit. Powerful enemies are determined to cover up the truth, and they will make certain that truth goes to the grave... even if Eve gets buried with it.
It really sounds interesting. *o* I didn't even manage to get through the first chapter when Amal was done. = 3= And that's why I refused to let myself sucked in by those books. It's scary. >_>;; But then I gave in to my temptations. Rofl. How stupid is that? Besides, I haven't been reading novels for a very long time.
Oh well.
A trip to the MOE to get Jackie's retaking forms. It's quite a long que....And then to Chong Hock kiulap!! Jackie bought her Hiiragi Kagami and Tsukasa; the twins from Lucky Star in their shrine maiden outfit! :3 Actually, in truth, I brainwash her to buy. Cause I know, as a collector, if she didn't buy it....she will regret it big time. ~_~ Well, if it was me, I will buy the set but then again, I didn't have money at that time.
Amal bought herself a keroro capsule and a Hitman Reborn Calendar~ And I bought myself some Panda-Z Capsules. They were screaming buy me to me instead. I only bought two though since I couldn't get the whole set. Only have $12 at that moment. After Jackie placed an order, we went off to easy Way.
That was when the disaster strikes.
It started raining heavily!! And when we insult somemore...it RAINED EVEN HEAVILY.
Bloody rain. I was the first to run across since the car was parked on the other side. And I got soaked. My hair got wet and I really wanna kill myself. Then Amal ran over and jackie was practically crying on the other side. Then she ran across too~
...and knocked over Amal's milk tea which stained her car eventually. :3
Poor jacky. Although we tease you and made you feel guilty a lot yesterday, we were just kidding. We still love you! :3 and the rest is history. Will include pictures next time. :3
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