
It took me almost five days to do this and make it right. I swear things keeping on messing up and am getting all rusty. In the end, I can't say I hate it but I seriously love it. Just need to do a few touch ups and everything will be fine. Bloody layout. It was like those usual click-on layouts. :/ But then I changed it and made everything like this.
Ahh, the lion dance. I didn't take any pictures though. They were taken by Jackelyn. Seng was the one who invited us and then my mother decided to tag along. Well, we haven't watch it for a long time so why not? Listening to all those drums and watching the troupe handling all the lion heads in Kiulap sorta made me feel like watching them play again.
It's after all a tradition and hopefully, it won't die out at all. Wish Amal was there but she had to attend a wedding reception or else I would have bring her along.
Their last performance was awesome and guess who's the one under it? My cousin's boyfriend. lololololol Funny huh. There were a lot of patterns this time and even the lion had a grand opening. Like foggy and stuffs. Well, am glad I didn't miss it. Jacky on the other hand have to go home early so she didn't get to watch the performance. D:
Well, I will bring her along again next year!!! And this time, if Amal's back...BRING HER ALONG TOO!!! ;_;
Yeah...I didn't wanna say who' leaving soon...Truthfully, when she first told me about it. I really didn't know how to react. At the end, I guess I sorta gave out and cried. Cause she has been a great friend for the past years of my life. I will really miss her. Although we sometimes have our own ups and downs, but still, she's a friend that cannot be replaced. You heard me. You're one of a kind.
And there's no way am going to forget you just like that!
But am happy that you decided to tell me earlier and not last minute...Cause if you did tell me last minute, I seriously don't know what to do. And I don't want to think of that. No way. D:
I seriously love you. May the best be with you. :) I know that you're very stressed at all the things that had happened. D: But don't worry Mal, it's not like we can't see each other via webcam online. :) Or having video calls with each other. And it's not like you're going to stay there forever.
So, ;_;.
I love you!
And here's to our beloved Jackelyn. MA-TURE NOW. She seems like a whole new different person after she turned 19. Like she discovered a newfound love for nails. Oh yeah! Before I forget about it again.
I got her a Cloud Strife 1/8 Resin Statue Figure. It was kinda costly but hey, apart from figures, I seriously don't know what to get her anymore. I was torn between Rei (Evangelion) and Cloudykins. In the end, I pick Cloud though although I have to admit that am sorry but I had this selfish desire to keep it to myself. Dx But I know how this means to you so I'm happy that you like your present. :3
Sorry about that!
When I picked up her present from Chong Hock, I also picked up my Keroro Capsules which I reserved through the owner. :3
Sorry about that!
When I picked up her present from Chong Hock, I also picked up my Keroro Capsules which I reserved through the owner. :3
Speaking of that, I heard there's going to be a feast tonight. After all, CNY ends today. :/ Oh well, it was fun while it lasted but too bad that some still couldn't come. D:
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