Thursday, February 19, 2009

#111. ♚ Love it or not, stick with it.

There's this REALLY FUCKING annoying guy on my msn that I seriously DO NOT know how to deal it. It makes me want to make a brand new email account just to get him off and move on with my sad life. D8 But the thought  of leaving all those friends I made online kinda made me think twice about it.

I SERIOUSLY tried everything I can. But ASHGDHGSDSJGAJDGJAGD >| OMGWTFBBQWTH?! He just won't leave me alone!!! I mean, I blocked him and even deleted him! Then another e-mail will come and add me! Then it turns out to be the bloody same person! I mean, WTF?! This went on for a couple of days now (the re-adding, re-blocking and re-deleting).

I seriously don't know wtf is wrong with that person.

Did he just hit his head or what?

And how MANY freaking e-mails does he have! A GAZILLION?

If that's true, that's just ewwww. SICK.

I think am gonna puke. D8


acid_gas_cloud said...

that suuuucks.
don't accept the adds anymore unless your 100% you know who it is?
i always thought msn had a harrasment policy thing~ i dunno D:


sayuri2023 said...

If nothing works out... in the end, if you have absolutely no other choice, try deleting your account and create a new one. But then again, if you do that, he'd think he's won.

kelaude said...

Sometimes when people say they will add you back, it kinda makes you wonder if it's them or not. Dx My email has been on the go for years since my secondary school. I feel like sue-ing him for doing that.

Issit? Never bring myself to read the policies. They're too much and cause my eyes to bleed. D:


kelaude said...

I was thinking of doing that from the start but the thought of starting over just killed me. True. So, ignorance is bliss at this point.

=D <3 your icon, btw. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Seriously, I think I need to lay back on the hearts. ._.

ateliercafe said...

wow ( ._.) . . . he should get the 'point' that he isn't wanted in your msn list . .

nasty_show said...

What a creep! He sounds like a right weirdo. You would've thought he'd have got the hint from the constant blocking and re-blocking. Maybe instead of deleting (cos he can tell if he's been deleted if he tries to re-add you, which by the sounds of it is highly likley) just block him. Then he can't do anything and that makes that email address redundant. But then again if he's got numerous email addresses (what a saddo) you'll just be blocking him forever *hugs* what i'd do is make a list of all the email addresses and get in touch with msn, they might be able to chase his IP address and block that from contacting you? So no matter how many more emails he creates he wont be able to contact you.

Woah i've written an essay!

kelaude said...

Apparently...he doesn't. =.=;;

kelaude said...

ROFL. Thanks for the awesome advice. =D

You know what, the funny thing is whenever he readds me back using a different email address. He keeps on asking who am I. =.=;; And keeps on saying his name is blahbah. And where do I live and etc..

I almost have that thought that he probably hit his head somewhere or something. Eugh.

nasty_show said...

You're very welcome :):)

I wonder why he keeps on asking who you are! You should say "well you should know since you keep adding me!" What a mong.

He wants to know where you live? Okay, that's totally creepy!


kelaude said...

I know, right? DX

It REALLY does sound like he hit his head or something and he keeps on mentioning that he lives in england. I was like wtf when he said that. Cause his english skillz isn't that great. And he doesn't seem to understand what am saying.

*shudders* And thanks for the hug, I needed that. =D *hug backs*

lipiang said...

D; I hope it's not a prank or something, or I'll totally make a beef steak out of him.

Or make it cheaper. Satay.

Well, I got no advice for ye tho. Hopefully he'll stop bothering you.

You seduce people when you aren't thinking. ;DD

kelaude said...

LOL. You still having that in your mind, dear? Dang Jackie for not being able to keep her mouth shut. xD

Anyways, come online. Need to discuss with you on the HECAS thing. We're going to do it together~

lipiang said...


'kay. But I'm gonna eat dinnah nao. o 2o And my msn is fudgin' annoying; it shuts down on its own.

Be there about 9 or so. ;DDD

nasty_show said...

He sounds like a right moron! Poor you! Hope he leaves you alone soon.

*bigger hugs*

kelaude said...

Thanks. I hope so too. Dx

*bigger hugs back* 8D

acid_gas_cloud said...

blah that mega-sucks ;A;
you should find out if you can~ thats creeepy.

yeah same~ but ive gotten into the habitit of re-reading them after facebook changed theirs~. you never know amirite?


kelaude said...

True true. 8D