I was bored so I went to my Grandma's and saw this on my aunt's shelf, very nicely hidden away again. HAHAHA. Am such a snooper. But she didnt mind. Instead, she said I can bring this home to watch. And yay to me, I have a new series to watch. Well, actually, it's not new...I actually watched this before...
But I wanna watch it again. It's sooo good although it still gives me the tingles. @.@ And I don't exactly watch every freaking scene there is. Am sooo not a pervert. D8 I still feel weird about watching two REAL guys doing it. But it's such a goddamn nice series!!
And to think my aunt bought like the whole SEASON 1 TO SEASON 5. WEEEE. I LOVE YOU AUNT. So I brought the whole set home with me. xD
And that practically explains why the hell am I having panda eyes at the moment. Been staying up real late like till 4 or 5 to watch this. DX
Can't help it when it's so addicting. ;_; *sniffles*
I heard from both news and people that the H1N1 flu is getting worse. DX And I highly doubt that this will come down for a while or no. Nope. It's long lasting. So I am avoiding a lot of places now. Like movies and shopping malls. And am itching to go out and eat ice-cream with my friends....
And pasta...
Gods, I miss pasta...
Darn it.
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