So I haven't actually bring myself to share these godly pictures of Leon and Cloud's wedding. Roxas was the bridesmaid and Axel was the best man. And since the best man needed the best wife. It wasn't actually crucial for the best wife to hit off with the best man. Besides, the wedding still needs to painfully go on without Cloud trying to pounce on to us, the sad wedding planners, for making him wear a DRESS. Yes, you heard me.
A freaking dress. And still looking as hot and delicious as always, one hunky Squall Leonhart mused.
It wasn't technically his fault that only after one day of meeting will lead them to actually have sex. And if wonders never ceased, the stoic blonde has reluctantly agreed to it. Although the constant nagging at his ears by his best friend, Zack Fair was seriously starting to get onto his nerves.
"I SWAER SPIKE! HE WILL SWALLOW YOU WHOLE! But I'm sure sephy won't mind...so go ahead and do it big guy! I can't believe my baby is all grown up!" The suppossedly dead man looked dramatically smitten as he used his finger to rub away a fake tear. But what made Cloud thought that he was severely betrayed not only by Zack but by another supposedly dead girl who was actually supposed to stop Zack and control him instead of supporting said with a gunblade by cheering out a way to shoot his loot.
And it definitely was most creepy when another couple began to brew. And Roxas after giving Axel a punch in the face for molesting him, decided to give in after all to the red-head's fantasy.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The end....NOT.
ROFL. Can't believe I wrote that.
The opening ceremony where you see that a skull is the great almight priest.

Warning: Tried to put Roxy in a dress but failed miserably due to his trashing. And we get a clear view of the back of the....priest's head?

Our loving beloved couple. *snickers*

Roxas's side is Cloud's side of the family. Who knows cute teddies can actually give birth to such handsome young men. And Axel's side is Leon's side of the family.

And so they danced. LOL

I knew me and my friend were on crack. But I never thought it would be this bad.
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