Miri's local Red Light District. HAHHAAHHAHAHAHAA. I peeked in and they sealed them off real good. That slash 18 sign is just a goddamn dead give away.
Omigosh, am back. 8D And am kicking. After disappearing for like one week plus, if my calculations fail me in a very disturbing way, am back. D: Not like I want anyone of you to welcome me back, am more interested in looking at what darleng has to say. neeee, darleng. *kissu kissu* HAHAHAHAHAHHAA KIDDING LAR. EH, SI CHABO AND SI DAPO-TACHI, AM BACK MIEN. AND I EFFING WANNA WATCH TRANSFORMERS 2.
There, I said everything I want to say since am back. My bright sea green nail polish on my fingers is distracting, seriously. While searching for the right letters to punch (haven't touch my laptop for one week, it's giving me a hell of a goosebump, truthfully), my colored finger nails are moving across the keyboard swiftly and it's blinding me with it's brightness. x_x Yeah, right. GOT STORY TU, WILL TELL LATER KAY?!
The first thing I did when I got back was to check the community (Ayano and Kuroshitsuji), effing hell and I even throw in a Totally Captivated comm just for the heck of it.
Nothing much on the Ayano comm though except a few updates on the next issue of Gold, both the front and back cover has been hijacked by Asami and Takaba. LOL. Just because the extra drama cd that came with it. MEH. Can't wait though and Crimson Spell is already up for grabs. -waiting for illegal sources- Not really a fan of CS. :/ As for the TC comm, fcccckkkkkkkkkkkk. MOOKYUL AND EWON DRAMA CDS!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
I would have buy them all. 6 CDs in total. -cries- But I don't have enough cash. D: Spent too much in Miri already. :p And they're accepting foreign orders again. DAMMIT. I wanna listen to Mookyul and Ewon.... D:
And kuroshitsuji, BITTER RABBIT IS UP FOR GRAB BY MAIL ORDER. But then, sadly, Japan residents only. D: Maybe someone will be able to get it. MUST. HAVE. IT. What can I say? Am a kuroshitsuji fanatic. :/

Migosh. The Funtom Brooch and Bitter Rabbit is sold seperately. If bought together, will go for like 5000+ yen. Still an okay price for me considering that this is sooo going to be rare in the future. You can even attach the brooch onto Bitter Rabbit. :) SEEE! OMIGOSH. DO WANNNNT. it's only available for a limited time only, till August 5th. By the way, JP Queen's site is closing down. D:
Let's all emo together and cry since the place where we order stuffs from JP is now gone. =emoandcrytogether-
Am effing high and wtf can you do about it. HAHAHAHHAA.
I bought 2 nail polish on my stay there from Eliante. Sea green and sky blue. What a pretty shade of colors. I swear am starting to go girly again. I squeal at the sight of clothes there and was THIS CLOSE to buy those hot pants. HOT PANTS. D: Now am addicted to those short pants. :) Must buy a few when I go shopping with my mom. Miri's is too expesnive. I was sooo very close to tears when I saw how much those lovely pants cost. D8 JACKIIEEEE- AM TURNING GIRLY.
Stayed with my daddy who lives just above his workplace. HEHEHEHEHEHE. His house is spacey....and empty. :/ Definitely on the empty part. Won't tell you what he do for a living there but it's perfectly legal. My dad did told me to bring a few friends along but jackie, YOU'RE THE FIRST ONE AM GOING TO DRAG ALONG. 8D
I had my first experience at the pub there too. They don't sell much except for different kinds of pub and it's pretty empty. The decoration is awesome and I see sofas everywhere. 8D So me and my sisters sang our hearts out and danced. LOL. IT'S EFFING FUN LEH. I WANNA GO THERE AGAIN.
Not to mention there's a very cute waiter there. He's my eye candy for that night. See him move around tables and like, do hos job, effing sweet. He has the sweetest smile everrr and he's so shy. HAHAHHAA. SHUAI GE YI GE, YOU KNOW. Me and my sister finally have the never to ask him if he's chinese or Malay.
And he smiles sweetly and says Iban.
WHAT. THE. EFF. IBAN?!!!! Of course, we didn't say it out loud lahhhh. We just went O.o, and okay and talked to him a bit since he's free at that moment. HE DOESN'T LOOK IBAN LEH. LOOKS MORE LIKE CHINESE EH. THE HELL. But damn, shuai ge yi ge. 8D Hawt is hawt.
I went and bought myself a PS2 controller, along with a couple of games. Everything in the picture above all adds up to 50 RM. CHEAP LEH. I know how to bargain hunt maaaah. 8) I bought the games I never touched before. Like Soul Calibur III and Dynasty Warrior 6. I did have DW 4 and DW 5 but my sister's hogging them so I can't play at all. AND DEVIL SUMMONER 2. Finally got my grubby hands on eet. 8D I feel so accomplished.
And here are my novels, MUST READ THEM sometime when am free and felt like reading them. It's good. 8)
LOOKIE. MY MANGAS. This is just 3 of them. I bought like 6. LOL. My mom has been giving me those eyes that say if I buy some more, she's disowning me at that spot. D: Wtf man. I aim for those soft arts that time, but shiet, don't know why, maybe it's killing me but WHY 70% OF THOSE SOFT ARTS COMICS I BUY ARE FILLED WITH HARDCORE SMEX. D:
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