This morning was like the any morning that I look forward to, plenty of sleep, pigging out and wake up like reaaaal late so I can have more energy to stay up for the rest of the night. Which I did. Not kidding there. My night life has been prolonged. It was usually until 1 am that I will stay up that late in the night, typing the way on my lappy. But got prolonged to 2.30am?! What the helll...
I seriously need to lay off the sweets. Can't help it waaaah. D: They're just sooo nice. xD I have an uber sweet tooth. And am dang proud of it. 8)
Jackie came at 10.30am where I am actually awake from her message earlier... but then, I needed a few more minutes of sleep waaah. So when she came, I was actually awake already. Just being lazy. Evene when she came, I didn't get up from the bed till 11 something. Lawl. Yes, that shows how much of a pig I am in real life. Dx
Anyways, Jackie came for a SLEEPOVER!! WEEE!!! She's going to be staying for two nights~ 8D And she's going to sleeping under me... huhuhuhuhu. I have a feeling that I am soo going to have so much fun tonight. HAHAHAHAHA. Actually, we were planning to go to Chong Hock today to pick up the items that I have yet to collect ever since it came. Lawl. I knoooowwwww. Don't look at me like that pls.
I feel guilty also. :/ Yeah, right. I AM guilty. But not that guilty. LOL. HAHHAAHAHAHAHA. I think am high now. My mom was supposed to be bringing us there but she got into an accident. -PRAYS- Her car got langgar from behind when she went to work this morning. -PRAYS MORE- Thank goodness, she wasn't injured but the car did suffered from a few...injuries. @.@ From what my mom said, thankfully the guy was reasonable so he paid for the repairs so there won't be any cars till Saturday afternoon.
So we turned to Muien for help...which he did say yess and he even borrowed me a hoodie for my cosplay in July. WEEE. HAHAHAHHAHA THANK YOU MUIEN!!!!!! =D REALLY THANKS!!! Now all I need is a Teddy that I can cuddle with me on that day. Welllll, am not telling who am going as. lol I bet none of you even know where the character is from even if I told you the name. :/ Neeeeh. But am going CASUALLY simple. lol. That's for sure.
Muein brought us to go withdraw our money...then we went to Chong Hock. Sadly, Eric went off as soon as we went in. So we waited. It's our fault anyways. Forgot it's lunch time. Then Muien had to go pray so left me and Jackie waiting there. xD He came back and one plus though. And...HERE ARE THE ITEMS BABE.
Here is my stash of Kuroshitsuji Merchandises! Dont look at it so little... There's a lot actually. I forgot to add the Pad in. HAHHAHAHAHA. Okay, let me see what I ordered myself this time... Two Tea Cups. (One for my sister and one for me.) The Phantomhive Family Crest Gold Signet Ring. The Phantomhive Family Ring. The Tableware for my cup. xD (One tea-spoon and a fork) I ahve to have a set, okay. D8 A Kuroshitsuji Card and Sticker Book. xD And what I believe is part of the Little Accessories Collection. Lawl.
The cup. I lazy to take it out. D8 It looks sooo nice that I don't feel like taking it out. I wasn't expecting the tea cup to be big...but it is. Which is kind of surprising but damn, it goddamn is sooo nice. xD
I swear this is part of the Little Accessories Collection. LOL. But am sure this is a bootleg cause they sell it for soo cheap. xD I didn't manage to get my hands on the brooch. Cause I didn't have enough cash. But I wanna.
The Table ware!! I like the designs on them. Very nice. And I like the box also. Beautiful artwork at the front. And this is what the back of the box looks like.
And this is what the inside looks like. xD I didn't take a close up picture of the tableware. But damn, didn't regret getting it at all. 8B
And here's the watch that I have been bitching about lately. NICE. And it's soooo shiny. Nicely painted and detailed. It doesn't look DULL at all! The crest is nicely featured. And the coating is sooo well done that am lucky I got this. xD
The insides of the watch. A beautiful crown inside. And underneath it, small writings of SQUARE ENIX and Yana Toboso can be found. =D
The Kuroshitsuji Card and Sticker book. When you open it, it looks like this...
Okay, seriously, I give up. I HAVE NO freaking idea why no matter how I rotate this image, it ends up that way. ~_~ So ignore the terbalik-ness of the image. The cards on the left and the Stickers on the right. (If you rotate it to the right angle.) It's really nice. The back of the cards have a short description of the butler himself.
8D Didn't regret buying this at all. I didn't take a picture of the signet ring and the family ring cause I felt it wasn't necessary. They're nicely detailed as well. I like the blue ring as it has the Phantomhive name engraved within the ring itself. (Stays true to the ring used by Ciel in the anime.) The gold signet ring is awesome as well. And I swear, if I stamped it onto the wax, the actual thing will appear. LAWL. (wishful thinking) SO NOT GONNA USE IT.
Jackie on the other hand, got herself the tea cup as well as a Final Fantasy VII Advent Children posters. xD
Anywaysss, once I got the stuffs. Went to Easy Way to score the drinks, then we went home for some lunch and rest. When we reached home, already 2 something. Near to 3. Dx
After we reached home, we watched ANTIQUE, based on the shounen-ai manga Antique Bakery. I didn't of course have much interest in it when cuzzie keeps on babbling me to watch it since the anime itself. OH HELL. Was such a LETDOWN. D8 I mean, seriously. I won't even get pass the opening. AT ALL. Such a low budget animation. I wish they would actually put more effort into it.
For those who haven't watch it, I seriously recommend this!!! D8 There's gayness involved though. No lahhhh. It's not entirely about gays LOL. Kidding lar. Don't let the trailer fool you. There's actually a more in depth story to the whole movie itself. So don't let a bit of kissing turns you off. D8
I find the movie funny and now finally realised why the Korean movie OWNED the Japanese drama so much. 8D dhdgagdgdadgdygdwgdujshdkhkhahdhj
I find a pleasure in playing ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE. And the game, is hard in a way cause they don't have a basic rundown of the way the missions have to be ordered. Because if you choose like the wrong mission at the wrong time, the other missions will be affected. Not to mention when the mission expires, you can't play that mission anymore. I get to choose and move around between the agents, Louis and Kia. These two perverts can't seem to go without touching their targets. Lawl. Dx What kind of stupid game is this. ~_~ But I like it. 8D
Here are some screenshots. 8D

We're going to have a movie marathon tonightttt. 8D
I seriously need to lay off the sweets. Can't help it waaaah. D: They're just sooo nice. xD I have an uber sweet tooth. And am dang proud of it. 8)
Jackie came at 10.30am where I am actually awake from her message earlier... but then, I needed a few more minutes of sleep waaah. So when she came, I was actually awake already. Just being lazy. Evene when she came, I didn't get up from the bed till 11 something. Lawl. Yes, that shows how much of a pig I am in real life. Dx
Anyways, Jackie came for a SLEEPOVER!! WEEE!!! She's going to be staying for two nights~ 8D And she's going to sleeping under me... huhuhuhuhu. I have a feeling that I am soo going to have so much fun tonight. HAHAHAHAHA. Actually, we were planning to go to Chong Hock today to pick up the items that I have yet to collect ever since it came. Lawl. I knoooowwwww. Don't look at me like that pls.
I feel guilty also. :/ Yeah, right. I AM guilty. But not that guilty. LOL. HAHHAAHAHAHAHA. I think am high now. My mom was supposed to be bringing us there but she got into an accident. -PRAYS- Her car got langgar from behind when she went to work this morning. -PRAYS MORE- Thank goodness, she wasn't injured but the car did suffered from a few...injuries. @.@ From what my mom said, thankfully the guy was reasonable so he paid for the repairs so there won't be any cars till Saturday afternoon.
So we turned to Muien for help...which he did say yess and he even borrowed me a hoodie for my cosplay in July. WEEE. HAHAHAHHAHA THANK YOU MUIEN!!!!!! =D REALLY THANKS!!! Now all I need is a Teddy that I can cuddle with me on that day. Welllll, am not telling who am going as. lol I bet none of you even know where the character is from even if I told you the name. :/ Neeeeh. But am going CASUALLY simple. lol. That's for sure.
Muein brought us to go withdraw our money...then we went to Chong Hock. Sadly, Eric went off as soon as we went in. So we waited. It's our fault anyways. Forgot it's lunch time. Then Muien had to go pray so left me and Jackie waiting there. xD He came back and one plus though. And...HERE ARE THE ITEMS BABE.

Jackie on the other hand, got herself the tea cup as well as a Final Fantasy VII Advent Children posters. xD
Anywaysss, once I got the stuffs. Went to Easy Way to score the drinks, then we went home for some lunch and rest. When we reached home, already 2 something. Near to 3. Dx
After we reached home, we watched ANTIQUE, based on the shounen-ai manga Antique Bakery. I didn't of course have much interest in it when cuzzie keeps on babbling me to watch it since the anime itself. OH HELL. Was such a LETDOWN. D8 I mean, seriously. I won't even get pass the opening. AT ALL. Such a low budget animation. I wish they would actually put more effort into it.

I find the movie funny and now finally realised why the Korean movie OWNED the Japanese drama so much. 8D dhdgagdgdadgdygdwgdujshdkhkhahdhj
I find a pleasure in playing ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE. And the game, is hard in a way cause they don't have a basic rundown of the way the missions have to be ordered. Because if you choose like the wrong mission at the wrong time, the other missions will be affected. Not to mention when the mission expires, you can't play that mission anymore. I get to choose and move around between the agents, Louis and Kia. These two perverts can't seem to go without touching their targets. Lawl. Dx What kind of stupid game is this. ~_~ But I like it. 8D
Here are some screenshots. 8D

We're going to have a movie marathon tonightttt. 8D
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