I feel retarded.
And annoyingly irritated.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
#168. short post
Just to fill up some posts so Imma do this post in random mode.
Items coming in this July (MAYBE):
Pfft. *opens wallet* ~_~ *flies buzzing out* Oh wells.
Ate keropok Lekor. Got it from ICC yesterday so my uncle went to cook it today. NICE. HAHAHAHA. I should have bought that 1kG of Ikan Keropok I saw but I didn't cause it's soo damn pricey. 10 bucks for 1 kilo and you can't ask for half-a-kilo. NA MA. DIAO KE! ~_~ So I pissy wissy and walked off.
By the way, I have been doing this small business for quite a long while now with my sisters. All of our goods are at upmost condition and we only bring in the items our customer orders so we don't have any present stocks for you all to touch and feel. We have served lots of customers and there are no complaints.
I am loving the 100% positive feedback.
We offer services such as selling women clothes, blouses, dresses, gowns, bags, school bags, stationaries, brooches, accessories, rings, earrings, belts, watches and so many more!!! For those who are interested can place order through us. =)
The prices we offer are exactly the same price for the item itself! We do not charge you a penny more or a penny less. We of course have our own rates in the items itself. All item prices are listed in RM. We do not accept deposits and all items are required to be paid in full. If any of the items are out of stock, the money will be refunded to you in full.
So far, the informations on the new stocks have not arrived yet. D:
Will post up any updates on this soon enough. =)
Items coming in this July (MAYBE):
- Good Smile Company: Sebastian Michaelis Nendoroid
- Novel: Junai Egoist Volume 1 to 3 end
- BexBoy Gold August 2009 Edition Magazine
- 2 Blouses ordered from Malaysia
Pfft. *opens wallet* ~_~ *flies buzzing out* Oh wells.
Ate keropok Lekor. Got it from ICC yesterday so my uncle went to cook it today. NICE. HAHAHAHA. I should have bought that 1kG of Ikan Keropok I saw but I didn't cause it's soo damn pricey. 10 bucks for 1 kilo and you can't ask for half-a-kilo. NA MA. DIAO KE! ~_~ So I pissy wissy and walked off.
By the way, I have been doing this small business for quite a long while now with my sisters. All of our goods are at upmost condition and we only bring in the items our customer orders so we don't have any present stocks for you all to touch and feel. We have served lots of customers and there are no complaints.
I am loving the 100% positive feedback.
We offer services such as selling women clothes, blouses, dresses, gowns, bags, school bags, stationaries, brooches, accessories, rings, earrings, belts, watches and so many more!!! For those who are interested can place order through us. =)
The prices we offer are exactly the same price for the item itself! We do not charge you a penny more or a penny less. We of course have our own rates in the items itself. All item prices are listed in RM. We do not accept deposits and all items are required to be paid in full. If any of the items are out of stock, the money will be refunded to you in full.
So far, the informations on the new stocks have not arrived yet. D:
Will post up any updates on this soon enough. =)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
#166. More Kuroshitsuji + Finder love

I am officially banned from going out until the whole thing calm down. So no movies for me, no mc donald for me, no kfc for me and no ice-cream for me. ~_~ Bummer lah. And most importantly, no Transformer 2 for me. I wish I could curse but I am trying to control myself and keep this a curse-free post.
Didn't help much though when I shireked cb when my sister dropped the brand new PS2 controller I bought. Landed on the floor with a loud crash. T__T Then again, must not curse. Bad for my health and Am learning to be a lady. A graceful and nice lady.
F you all.
See? Next time, don't bother believing me when it comes to things like this.
My cousin bought herself a laptop for 998. The lady who offered service took a long time counting 10 of 100 bucks. All she had to do was to pay us back 2 bucks. Do you even need a calculator for that?! o.o Apparently, she did. Apart from raising our eyebrows, we didn't say anything at all. Let's leave the lady with a small amount of pride should we?
My cousin kept on forgetting to ask them to install certain softwares. The lappy came with nothing. I had nothing more to say when she said, "AH! Forgot baout Nero!" when the man had already place the lappy in the box. Lol. Talk about a poor memory. She even applied for OMNI~ :3 Congrats cuzzie! ;D
I went to Chong Hock also to pick up my stuffs. Got my brooches and my sister's tableware. She wants a set for her Cup too. Haha.
I have yet to download Crimson Spell. Got the link but si beh lazy to download. ~_~;; So I guess I will wait till the mood kicks in. Speaking of CS, I was wondering whether I should get Bitter Rabbit since there's no news on th VF merchandises I asked for. :0 I will ask again later about the quotation and all. My life is revolve around them and I have no comments on that.
By the way, anybody received the UBD letter yet? They're awfully slow about it, no? :0
Friday, June 26, 2009
#165. Am back and kicking!
Miri's local Red Light District. HAHHAAHHAHAHAHAA. I peeked in and they sealed them off real good. That slash 18 sign is just a goddamn dead give away.
Omigosh, am back. 8D And am kicking. After disappearing for like one week plus, if my calculations fail me in a very disturbing way, am back. D: Not like I want anyone of you to welcome me back, am more interested in looking at what darleng has to say. neeee, darleng. *kissu kissu* HAHAHAHAHAHHAA KIDDING LAR. EH, SI CHABO AND SI DAPO-TACHI, AM BACK MIEN. AND I EFFING WANNA WATCH TRANSFORMERS 2.
There, I said everything I want to say since am back. My bright sea green nail polish on my fingers is distracting, seriously. While searching for the right letters to punch (haven't touch my laptop for one week, it's giving me a hell of a goosebump, truthfully), my colored finger nails are moving across the keyboard swiftly and it's blinding me with it's brightness. x_x Yeah, right. GOT STORY TU, WILL TELL LATER KAY?!
The first thing I did when I got back was to check the community (Ayano and Kuroshitsuji), effing hell and I even throw in a Totally Captivated comm just for the heck of it.
Nothing much on the Ayano comm though except a few updates on the next issue of Gold, both the front and back cover has been hijacked by Asami and Takaba. LOL. Just because the extra drama cd that came with it. MEH. Can't wait though and Crimson Spell is already up for grabs. -waiting for illegal sources- Not really a fan of CS. :/ As for the TC comm, fcccckkkkkkkkkkkk. MOOKYUL AND EWON DRAMA CDS!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
I would have buy them all. 6 CDs in total. -cries- But I don't have enough cash. D: Spent too much in Miri already. :p And they're accepting foreign orders again. DAMMIT. I wanna listen to Mookyul and Ewon.... D:
And kuroshitsuji, BITTER RABBIT IS UP FOR GRAB BY MAIL ORDER. But then, sadly, Japan residents only. D: Maybe someone will be able to get it. MUST. HAVE. IT. What can I say? Am a kuroshitsuji fanatic. :/

Migosh. The Funtom Brooch and Bitter Rabbit is sold seperately. If bought together, will go for like 5000+ yen. Still an okay price for me considering that this is sooo going to be rare in the future. You can even attach the brooch onto Bitter Rabbit. :) SEEE! OMIGOSH. DO WANNNNT. it's only available for a limited time only, till August 5th. By the way, JP Queen's site is closing down. D:
Let's all emo together and cry since the place where we order stuffs from JP is now gone. =emoandcrytogether-
Am effing high and wtf can you do about it. HAHAHAHHAA.
I bought 2 nail polish on my stay there from Eliante. Sea green and sky blue. What a pretty shade of colors. I swear am starting to go girly again. I squeal at the sight of clothes there and was THIS CLOSE to buy those hot pants. HOT PANTS. D: Now am addicted to those short pants. :) Must buy a few when I go shopping with my mom. Miri's is too expesnive. I was sooo very close to tears when I saw how much those lovely pants cost. D8 JACKIIEEEE- AM TURNING GIRLY.
Stayed with my daddy who lives just above his workplace. HEHEHEHEHEHE. His house is spacey....and empty. :/ Definitely on the empty part. Won't tell you what he do for a living there but it's perfectly legal. My dad did told me to bring a few friends along but jackie, YOU'RE THE FIRST ONE AM GOING TO DRAG ALONG. 8D
I had my first experience at the pub there too. They don't sell much except for different kinds of pub and it's pretty empty. The decoration is awesome and I see sofas everywhere. 8D So me and my sisters sang our hearts out and danced. LOL. IT'S EFFING FUN LEH. I WANNA GO THERE AGAIN.
Not to mention there's a very cute waiter there. He's my eye candy for that night. See him move around tables and like, do hos job, effing sweet. He has the sweetest smile everrr and he's so shy. HAHAHHAA. SHUAI GE YI GE, YOU KNOW. Me and my sister finally have the never to ask him if he's chinese or Malay.
And he smiles sweetly and says Iban.
WHAT. THE. EFF. IBAN?!!!! Of course, we didn't say it out loud lahhhh. We just went O.o, and okay and talked to him a bit since he's free at that moment. HE DOESN'T LOOK IBAN LEH. LOOKS MORE LIKE CHINESE EH. THE HELL. But damn, shuai ge yi ge. 8D Hawt is hawt.
I went and bought myself a PS2 controller, along with a couple of games. Everything in the picture above all adds up to 50 RM. CHEAP LEH. I know how to bargain hunt maaaah. 8) I bought the games I never touched before. Like Soul Calibur III and Dynasty Warrior 6. I did have DW 4 and DW 5 but my sister's hogging them so I can't play at all. AND DEVIL SUMMONER 2. Finally got my grubby hands on eet. 8D I feel so accomplished.
And here are my novels, MUST READ THEM sometime when am free and felt like reading them. It's good. 8)
LOOKIE. MY MANGAS. This is just 3 of them. I bought like 6. LOL. My mom has been giving me those eyes that say if I buy some more, she's disowning me at that spot. D: Wtf man. I aim for those soft arts that time, but shiet, don't know why, maybe it's killing me but WHY 70% OF THOSE SOFT ARTS COMICS I BUY ARE FILLED WITH HARDCORE SMEX. D:
Friday, June 19, 2009
#164. [TM/D] Finder no Shinjitsu: Extra Story
As usual, here's the latest update. Managed to translate this in two days time. As usual, scans don't belong to me. :) If anyone knows, please do let me know. Comment if you download. :) For the password, please read the terms. It's there.
Description: It's the extra that everyone have been looking forward to. Enjoy. I accidentally switch every downloads to private. Sorry. @.@;; The download should work now. I just realized something. There's a typo in I made regarding Shinjitsu. Oops. Spelled it wrongly. Sorry about that.
Description: It's the extra that everyone have been looking forward to. Enjoy. I accidentally switch every downloads to private. Sorry. @.@;; The download should work now. I just realized something. There's a typo in I made regarding Shinjitsu. Oops. Spelled it wrongly. Sorry about that.
Download: Finder Volume 5 Extra (rar file)
File Size: 6.72 MB
Host: MediaFire
Translated by: Jes
Scan by: Unknown
You will need winrar to unzip it.
Please do comment if you download. ^^
Thursday, June 18, 2009
#163. [TM/D] Finder no Shinjitsu: Truth in the Cover (Normal Edition)
I downloaded the Japanese scans from somewhere quite a week ago but since that person's name is not included in the credit, I don't know who to credit for the scans. D: However, the translations are mine and mine alone. I have taken the time to actually translate this. SO PLEASE DO NOT STEAL. I do not want to see this posted anywhere else except for here.
Please do bear that in mind. If anyone knows who these scans belongs to, please do tell me so I can credit.
Description: A short mini story base on the cover of the normal edition of the Finder no Shinjutsu manga. Only two pages. Since there's only two pages, please click on the link below to download it. As usual, password is in the terms section. Please read that if you want to download it. =D By the way, there's a typo I made in the credits section regarding Shinjitsu. lolololol Sorry about that.
Thank you and please drop a note at the tagboard when downloading. ^^
Please do bear that in mind. If anyone knows who these scans belongs to, please do tell me so I can credit.
Description: A short mini story base on the cover of the normal edition of the Finder no Shinjutsu manga. Only two pages. Since there's only two pages, please click on the link below to download it. As usual, password is in the terms section. Please read that if you want to download it. =D By the way, there's a typo I made in the credits section regarding Shinjitsu. lolololol Sorry about that.
Download: Truth in the Cover (Normal Edition)
File Size: 444 KB
Host: MediaFire
Translated by: Jes
Scan by: Unknown
You will need winrar to unzip it.
Thank you and please drop a note at the tagboard when downloading. ^^
#162. [Wishlist] Kotobukiya's Nitro Plus Chiral One Coin Figures & Kuroshitsuji NEWS

Then, I don't have to worry about doubles. But Kotobukiya did a hell of a job this time. As if the large scale soft vinyl Togainu no Chi figures weren't crawling in my nightmares that much, they JUST have to go and release the pre-order for these little buggers. Damn. Shiki looks hot and as if he own the whole entire world. Akira look sooo goddamn sexy and cute. I like to get my hands on the mysterious poet from Lamento. I am just feeling a bit down since Rai or Asato isn't in this selection.
It doesn't help really that am on the hunt for Viewfinder merchandises. Animate just had to remove them off their listings since the Yamane Fair is waaaay over. But kotobukiya, don't look now. This adorable and more tempting set apart from the Lamento and Togainu no Chi one-coin figures, is sooo going to make my shelves.
That is...once I have the right amount of cash for it. *saving up*
That Military Shiki and 3rd ending Akira is enough to make me motivated to start saving money for them. (They come out in November, mind you. Plenty of time till then although pre-orders start now in Hobby Search.) Besides, my Nano is getting lonely. D:
Apart from that, there is a very terrific news regarding the fandom am still obsessed with - KUROSHITSUJI that the second season of that awesome anime has been announced and confirmed!
Junichi Suwabe, the voice actor of the Undertaker character in the anime adaptation of Yana Toboso's Kuroshitsuji manga, has revealed in a Sunday blog entry that a second season has been green-lit.
OMG HDHDDDGHDGQJQGDHGSAJGDSJGD. I am not joking or fooling around, it has already been confirmed and the opening event for this will be Jan 2010! I can't wait to see what they have in the next installment of this. Does that mean Ciel is not dead and that Sebastian didn't eat him at all? Or, it won't pick up right after the ending of Season 1? But instead, will follow the manga this time?
I just hope they won't go off board too much with this. My heart can only take so much. I can't wait to see Sebby make a godly appearance again. Wooweee.
Not only that, the highly anticipated soundtrack has been scheduled to be release!! The release date will be on the 26th of August and will have a total of 3 cd's including the original soundtrack, the OPs, the Eds as well as character songs plus more! I can't wait for this. And it's actually on my wishlist too. 8D
Of course, a rumor of a certain anime being turned into a live action is still being taken into account for. That's it, fellas. There's a rumor that Kuroshitsuji will be turned into a Japanese-Korean Live Action film. I did like to know how they will do it. It will be interesting to see a living brat of Ciel ordering Sebastian around. I am a bit skeptical about the actors chosen for it though even if they haven't been decided.
【期間生産限定盤】 2009/8/26 RELEASE
品番:SVWC-7646 / 価格:\3,990 (税込)
・Disc 1 & 2 黒執事サウンドトラック(作曲:岩崎琢)
・Disc 3
They did a musical for Kuroshitsuji, they rule the merchandise world, they release a 3 disc soundtrack, the manga and the anime is very well received. Anything is possible so I wasn't surprise that they're going to do a live action film for it. I just cross my fingers and hope that it won't be sucky. Please don't ruin a good manga.
It is still just a rumor. And laugh as you might, a Super Junior interview is what made me go O.O when I read it. Can you believe it? SUPER JUNIOR. LOLOLOL. And since I figure that you guys might wanna read the entire interview, here it is. =) I will repeat a certain part again if anyone of you miss it.
SJM Sohu Interview from 2009.05.07
Translated transcript
HG; It's been a long time since we've said "hello" to the Chinese fans, everyone's Mandarin has gotten a lot better now (passes to Ryeowook, & everyone takes their turn to say hello in Mandarin)
Q; It's been a while since you had activities in China, firstly, congratulations to SJ's third album having such success in Korea, does SJM also have any new movements?
HG; Lately we've been in Korea doing activities, promoting our third album "Sorry Sorry". Up till now we'e received great success, so we wanna thank all the staff in the company for their hard work, & our managers. As for us, SJM, we've also been recording new songs during this time of activities, SJM’s new second album should be released in the second half of the year.
Q; In our special topis for SJ there's a poll. Do you guys know which three songs in SJM's first album are the most popular so far?
ZM; I'll just guess. Because it's been a year since first album activities, "At Least There's You", "Love You Love You" & "U", also "Me", I'll first guess "At Least There's You" "U" & "Love You Love You" (correct answer; "U" "At Least There's You" & "Me", the guess is pretty accurate!)
Q; Approximately which month will SJM's second album be released? Will there be any major changes in image or genre? This time will there also be a Chinese version of SJ's three album songs? Will there be a Chinese translation of the songs?
KH; This time the new album will be similar to SJM's first album, all songs will be sung in Chinese. We've already started on the production of this album, so although we still aren't sure of when it'll be released, but (I) believe that it'll be an excellent work of art, just like the first album. Lately we've been diligently learning how to compose songs, (I) believe this time this album will definitely contain really great songs to listen to.
Q; Last year on the 8th of April SJM officially announced their debut on Sohu, at that time you guys wanted to become the best group in China, this year we've definitely seen your success & sincerity. If "Being the Best Group" was a hundred marks, what do mark do you think you guys have achieved? What areas do you regret? Or, retrospectively what matter do you think you could have actually done better at?
SW; (I) can't really give a mark, we're very moved seeing the support that everyone has showered on SJM in the past year. So this entire year we'll continue to work hard at our activities, everyone, please continue to follow us.
KH; Right now, I feel like it should be about 50 marks, though I don't know when must we wait till to achieve 100 marks, but we'll continue to work hard till that day arrives.
Q; Last year, due to frequent activities in China, SJM garnered a lot of popularity, & also received the affirmation of a few music awards, then this year what is the new goal you wanna achieve?
DH; Last year we received quite a few awards, leaving us deeply surprised, this year we'll work even harder, to hopefully be able to take part in music awards like last year. So everyone, please continue to support us like you have been before.
Q; It's been a year since you debuted, (we) believe that you must understand the Chinese music environment, comparing SJM with other Chinese male groups, what do you think is the thing that makes you superior & special?
HG; I believe that each group has their own specialities, & that we should learn from each other, compete with each other, only then will there be better groups, only then can we ascend step by step in the Chinese music environment, so this is a stage where we learn from each other. Our specialities, mainly it still has to be that we have foreign members, English, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, Thai – Sawadeeka, I also know a little (laughs) From every singer in China, (we'll) learn a little.
Seven things circulating in the rumour mill
During the time that SJM left the Chinese audience's line of sight, there are seven rumours that we wanna them to clear up personally.
Rumour #1: Zhou Mi. On the 19th of April, Zhou Mi had his 23rd birthday, you left a message for fans saying, "every single one of your subtle gestures will bring me courage & belief". Was there such a matter that happened? Specifically talk about the gestures that fans do that move you?
ZM; I'm trapped (laughs) The thing that moves me the most is when fans leave me messages online, I've debuted for a year now, & I clearly remember a year ago when Sohu interviewed (us), that scene. I can't specifically pinpoint the details, but the applause & looks they gave, it's all in my memories, that's the support & approval they gave me. If it weren't for their little gestures, then I won't be standing here in front of everyone with such confidence & courage.
Rumour #2: Henry. During this time that you mysteriously disappeared from China, what have you been doing?
HR; I've been in Korea – sleeping (laughs) After our SJM activities ended, the bulk of my time was spent in Korea. Most of it was spent practicing, practicing dance, I also went to school everyday, studying Mandarin in Korea. Everyday I would attend something like a hagwon/tuition class.
HG; Didn't you also go back to Canada.
HR; Ah, yes yes yes, I went back to Canada, saw my family. That's about it.
HG; Henry said that it had been a long time since he saw his family, so he went back for a month to visit his relatives, be together with his family, spend more time with them.
Rumor #3: Shiwon. There's a Japan-Korea film that's adapted from a Japanese manga "Kuroshitsuji", & it's already been confirmed that Shiwon will take on the starring role?
SW; No it hasn't been confirmed that I'll be the lead, now we're only in the discussing stages. Other than "Kuroshitsuji", there are other productions that (I'm) considering to appear in, (I) believe it won't be too long till Actor Shiwon will appear to meet everyone.
Rumour #4: Hangeng. There's plans to appear in the third season of "Ugly Wudi"?
HG; Actually, I only understood this piece of news from the web, if the company has confirmed it I'm sure that they'll tell me. Now we're still doing Super Junior activities, if there's something like this, the company will tell me. I personally hope to be able to take part in some dramas.
Q; Before, there was a loud shout about being a part of F4 for "Meteor Garden", in the end why did you not take part?
HG; I heard of this too. But when they were selecting actors for "Meteor Garden", it was during the recording of SJ's third album, & in actual fact it had been a year since I've been with the SJ members, working together, being on stage together, so I felt that the third album was very important. So in the end it was most important (for me), to be with the members.
Rumour #5: Kyuhyun. Recently SJ has appeared on many programs, & Kyuhyun has repeatedly showed his unusually great vocal abilities, & in Yoo Youngsuk's 20th anniversary album you're singing your version of the song, can you sing a little part live for us now.
KH; In our album there's a song titled that was composed for us by Yoo Youngsuk sunbae, through that opportunity to meet with Yoo Youngsuk sunbae, later taking part in the recording of Yoo Youngsuk sunbae's new album. As for singing, Yoo Youngsuk sunbae told me, wherever I get interviewed to only sing a portion of the song, so I'll just sing that portion. The rest, I'll sing for everyone next time.
Rumour #6: Ryeowook. During SJ's third album activities we've uncovered, a new cook born, & that is Ryeowook. A few days ago when we were interviewing Ryeowook, you said that you missed China's buns, why is this so?
RW; I'm one that when I go back to Korea I miss China, when I'm in China I miss Korea, & also China's buns are really very delicious. Other people in the group, their singing abilities have improved a lot, but for me it seems like only my cooking skills have improved. Hopefully there'll be a chance to let the fans try the Chinese food that I've cooked myself.
Rumour #7: Donghae. Your Korean minihompy's name is "Kim Hyangsuk" (this is a girl's name), why?
DH; (in Mandarin) That's my mother's name~ Because (how do you say, asks Hangeng)
HG; You should just use Korean.
DH; It's just that I wanna my make use of my Mandarin.
DH; Last time, I used my name for my minihompy, but that minihompy's password was stolen by a hacker, so I had to resort to borrowing my mum's page, to communicate with fans. Hope everyone will come to my cyworld (the last sentence was spoken in Mandarin)About Performances
Q; Today (you) performed at the University of Science & Technology Beijing, what's the difference betweem performing in school grounds & normal performances? Is it more nerve-wrecking facing the students? To target the university students will there be any special preparations?
HG; Actually, for SJM this is our first time performing in a university, on entering the school it felt very familar, (I) remembered the times when (I) was studying in Minzu University of China. When we were i the car Zhoumi said, it's fun to go to school. So it's very initimate, being with these university students, to have face to face contact, it brings back a lot of past memories.
Q; Lastly, say something to the netizens.
HG; Sohu netizens, thank you everyone for the support you've showed to SJM, this year so far you've been with SJM, I hope that our next album will give everyone a nice surprise, wishing everyone good health, continue to support us, we'll continue to work hard. We're SJM!
Long interview, right? Did you miss it? Let me repeat that again.
Rumor #3: Shiwon. There's a Japan-Korea film that's adapted from a Japanese manga "Kuroshitsuji", & it's already been confirmed that Shiwon will take on the starring role?
SW; No it hasn't been confirmed that I'll be the lead, now we're only in the discussing stages. Other than "Kuroshitsuji", there are other productions that (I'm) considering to appear in, (I) believe it won't be too long till Actor Shiwon will appear to meet everyone.
D8 SHYT. If this rumor is true, I think am going to die of happiness. So many exciting news to look forward to!
Once more, the Crimson Spell Drama CD looks very promising after following the comment that Ayano-sensei made. And I simply cannot wait till the drama cd for the Viewfinder extra where Takaba's Asami Investigation report is filled in. That's all, for now. :) I need a good dream after this.
Jes, signing off. @.@
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
#161. [001] Lamento -Beyond the Void- : Rai's Route
“Even if the whole world wants to erase you, I will never forget you.”
Having two pairs of arms and legs,
Different set of five fingers,
Walking on them respectively,
Reciting the songs of god,
Bearing a pair of ears and one tail,
The god took Ribika as his beloved wife,
Not long after, Ribika gave birth to an egg,
The egg gave out a bright golden light,
The light was too dazzling…till Ribika was unable to take it so she turned away,
The egg fell at that moment,
And because it hit the cloud,
The egg shattered,
A seed came tumbling out,
And awakened…due to Ribika’s song,
The seed soon settled down on a patch of land,
Weaving the beginning of a song,
And the start of a story.
The beginning of the song was sung. The wandering poet came up with a melody and the world spun according to it. His mesmerizing voice, can be as soft as the water flows and sometimes, can be as fiery as the dancing flames. Cats who wandered by would often stop in their footsteps to listen and fell into a deep trance because of it. They would forget about what was going on about their daily lives, their memories and became intoxicated by the very song itself.
Transparent fingernails softly struck the bowstring, followed by a lovely melody that overflows the whole surroundings that could be reach by the song itself.
Brilliantly…Dazzlingly. ..
Under the projection of a tranquil light, the musical notes bounced back from the driven soil to the cats, which scattered beautifully above their very heads.
The lights which were remained behind were not lonely. Instead, they still glittered in the air..
The mesmerizing voice, the beautiful notes…as well as the illuminating light…
When will a person feel this lucky again?
When will a person feel this excited again?
A warm smile broke out on the cats’ lips.
Softly toying around, just because they can have the time of their lives sharing this strange happiness that flows through their veins.
The strong sunbeam, as if it was trying to burn a hole in the green scenery, looked through.
Even so, the poet continued to sing his song, conducting the mysterious feeling of weakness and illusions to the cats.
The poet sung the song that showed the sorrow of the world - the beginning of the song in this sublime world.
Before the end could be reach, the world is dying so the song must be sung for the sake of this sublime world.
End of 001
#160. New Layout
So I can't have a new layout? Psssh. ~_~;;
Nah, just kidding. Lately whenever when I am trying to type kidding, I kept on typing kissing. @.@ NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. D:
Nothing much going on right now, just trying to do translations. :) Am working on two at the moment. Trying to translate one Drama CD (not gonna tell which one yet) and am working on Lamento -Beyond the Void - too.
8D I am going to concentrate on Rai's route in there. And am planning to do Asato's route too. Just planning, kay? @.@ I am not promising anything.
As for the drama cd, 8D, will post the first track of it soon. WEEEE.
Oh and going off soon too. So advance bye to all of you!!! 8D
So I can't have a new layout? Psssh. ~_~;;
Nah, just kidding. Lately whenever when I am trying to type kidding, I kept on typing kissing. @.@ NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. D:
Nothing much going on right now, just trying to do translations. :) Am working on two at the moment. Trying to translate one Drama CD (not gonna tell which one yet) and am working on Lamento -Beyond the Void - too.
8D I am going to concentrate on Rai's route in there. And am planning to do Asato's route too. Just planning, kay? @.@ I am not promising anything.
As for the drama cd, 8D, will post the first track of it soon. WEEEE.
Oh and going off soon too. So advance bye to all of you!!! 8D
Monday, June 15, 2009
#159. LAMENTO -Beyond the Void-

I have been playing loads of BL games recently. And I have to tell you that I have not like any of their soundtracks even once... ~_~ Togainu no Chi was bad. Sweet Pool, I haven't touch it but I can assure you after listening to it, I have to pull a "stop" sign too. Enzai...was not that nice either. Absolute Obedience? Naaaaah. ~_~ Not my cup of tea too.
But Lamento -Beyond the Void- by Nitro Chiral Plus?
It blew my mind away.
I NEVER EVER expected the soundtrack to live up to it's plot, storyline and the mood when it comes to BL. Truthfully, I was shocked. Okay, seriously, SHOCKED. I never expected the soundtrack to be this nice. So like usual, I decided to share. :p And I come offering few screenshots as well.
The way the story is told is different from the previous games I played and I have to admit that this is a nice change of way of telling the story. Looks like a storybook this time. xD
For those who wants the soundtrack, can go to this site to download it. I RECOMMEND THE SOUNDTRACK. 8) Don't forget to check out the story section to see what the entire game is about! I have to admit, this is a really good game. =D
Although the site emphasizes on the game is not available in ENGLISH, it's not unless someone decided to be nice enough to make an english patch for it. However, the game is available in Chinese. 8D Here are some screenies~

Friday, June 12, 2009
#158. Say hello to the post of the century!!! ^o^
8D So Imma name this the post of the century. Okay, I lied. Maybe. Not the post of the century cause probably the post of the month? 8D I dunnoe though...so let's start with what I have been doing the whole day since the morning till now. =D Today is tiring, but it's okay. IT'S FUN. 8D And we're going to have more fun tonight! Hell yeah! =)
This morning was like the any morning that I look forward to, plenty of sleep, pigging out and wake up like reaaaal late so I can have more energy to stay up for the rest of the night. Which I did. Not kidding there. My night life has been prolonged. It was usually until 1 am that I will stay up that late in the night, typing the way on my lappy. But somehow...it got prolonged to 2.30am?! What the helll...
I seriously need to lay off the sweets. Can't help it waaaah. D: They're just sooo nice. xD I have an uber sweet tooth. And am dang proud of it. 8)
Jackie came at 10.30am where I am actually awake from her message earlier... but then, I needed a few more minutes of sleep waaah. So when she came, I was actually awake already. Just being lazy. Evene when she came, I didn't get up from the bed till 11 something. Lawl. Yes, that shows how much of a pig I am in real life. Dx
Anyways, Jackie came for a SLEEPOVER!! WEEE!!! She's going to be staying for two nights~ 8D And she's going to sleeping under me... huhuhuhuhu. I have a feeling that I am soo going to have so much fun tonight. HAHAHAHAHA. Actually, we were planning to go to Chong Hock today to pick up the items that I have yet to collect ever since it came. Lawl. I knoooowwwww. Don't look at me like that pls.
I feel guilty also. :/ Yeah, right. I AM guilty. But not that guilty. LOL. HAHHAAHAHAHAHA. I think am high now. My mom was supposed to be bringing us there but she got into an accident. -PRAYS- Her car got langgar from behind when she went to work this morning. -PRAYS MORE- Thank goodness, she wasn't injured but the car did suffered from a few...injuries. @.@ From what my mom said, thankfully the guy was reasonable so he paid for the repairs so there won't be any cars till Saturday afternoon.
So we turned to Muien for help...which he did say yess and he even borrowed me a hoodie for my cosplay in July. WEEE. HAHAHAHHAHA THANK YOU MUIEN!!!!!! =D REALLY THANKS!!! Now all I need is a Teddy that I can cuddle with me on that day. Welllll, am not telling who am going as. lol I bet none of you even know where the character is from even if I told you the name. :/ Neeeeh. But am going CASUALLY simple. lol. That's for sure.
Muein brought us to go withdraw our money...then we went to Chong Hock. Sadly, Eric went off as soon as we went in. So we waited. It's our fault anyways. Forgot it's lunch time. Then Muien had to go pray so left me and Jackie waiting there. xD He came back and one plus though. And...HERE ARE THE ITEMS BABE.
Here is my stash of Kuroshitsuji Merchandises! Dont look at it so little... There's a lot actually. I forgot to add the Pad in. HAHHAHAHAHA. Okay, let me see what I ordered myself this time... Two Tea Cups. (One for my sister and one for me.) The Phantomhive Family Crest Gold Signet Ring. The Phantomhive Family Ring. The Tableware for my cup. xD (One tea-spoon and a fork) I ahve to have a set, okay. D8 A Kuroshitsuji Card and Sticker Book. xD And what I believe is part of the Little Accessories Collection. Lawl.
The cup. I lazy to take it out. D8 It looks sooo nice that I don't feel like taking it out. I wasn't expecting the tea cup to be big...but it is. Which is kind of surprising but damn, it goddamn is sooo nice. xD
I swear this is part of the Little Accessories Collection. LOL. But am sure this is a bootleg cause they sell it for soo cheap. xD I didn't manage to get my hands on the brooch. Cause I didn't have enough cash. But I wanna.
The Table ware!! I like the designs on them. Very nice. And I like the box also. Beautiful artwork at the front. And this is what the back of the box looks like.
And this is what the inside looks like. xD I didn't take a close up picture of the tableware. But damn, didn't regret getting it at all. 8B
And here's the watch that I have been bitching about lately. NICE. And it's soooo shiny. Nicely painted and detailed. It doesn't look DULL at all! The crest is nicely featured. And the coating is sooo well done that am lucky I got this. xD
The insides of the watch. A beautiful crown inside. And underneath it, small writings of SQUARE ENIX and Yana Toboso can be found. =D
The Kuroshitsuji Card and Sticker book. When you open it, it looks like this...
Okay, seriously, I give up. I HAVE NO freaking idea why no matter how I rotate this image, it ends up that way. ~_~ So ignore the terbalik-ness of the image. The cards on the left and the Stickers on the right. (If you rotate it to the right angle.) It's really nice. The back of the cards have a short description of the butler himself.
8D Didn't regret buying this at all. I didn't take a picture of the signet ring and the family ring cause I felt it wasn't necessary. They're nicely detailed as well. I like the blue ring as it has the Phantomhive name engraved within the ring itself. (Stays true to the ring used by Ciel in the anime.) The gold signet ring is awesome as well. And I swear, if I stamped it onto the wax, the actual thing will appear. LAWL. (wishful thinking) SO NOT GONNA USE IT.
Jackie on the other hand, got herself the tea cup as well as a Final Fantasy VII Advent Children posters. xD
Anywaysss, once I got the stuffs. Went to Easy Way to score the drinks, then we went home for some lunch and rest. When we reached home, already 2 something. Near to 3. Dx
After we reached home, we watched ANTIQUE, based on the shounen-ai manga Antique Bakery. I didn't of course have much interest in it when cuzzie keeps on babbling me to watch it since the anime itself. OH HELL. Was such a LETDOWN. D8 I mean, seriously. I won't even get pass the opening. AT ALL. Such a low budget animation. I wish they would actually put more effort into it.
For those who haven't watch it, I seriously recommend this!!! D8 There's gayness involved though. No lahhhh. It's not entirely about gays LOL. Kidding lar. Don't let the trailer fool you. There's actually a more in depth story to the whole movie itself. So don't let a bit of kissing turns you off. D8
I find the movie funny and now finally realised why the Korean movie OWNED the Japanese drama so much. 8D dhdgagdgdadgdygdwgdujshdkhkhahdhj
I find a pleasure in playing ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE. And the game, is hard in a way cause they don't have a basic rundown of the way the missions have to be ordered. Because if you choose like the wrong mission at the wrong time, the other missions will be affected. Not to mention when the mission expires, you can't play that mission anymore. I get to choose and move around between the agents, Louis and Kia. These two perverts can't seem to go without touching their targets. Lawl. Dx What kind of stupid game is this. ~_~ But I like it. 8D
Here are some screenshots. 8D

We're going to have a movie marathon tonightttt. 8D
I seriously need to lay off the sweets. Can't help it waaaah. D: They're just sooo nice. xD I have an uber sweet tooth. And am dang proud of it. 8)
Jackie came at 10.30am where I am actually awake from her message earlier... but then, I needed a few more minutes of sleep waaah. So when she came, I was actually awake already. Just being lazy. Evene when she came, I didn't get up from the bed till 11 something. Lawl. Yes, that shows how much of a pig I am in real life. Dx
Anyways, Jackie came for a SLEEPOVER!! WEEE!!! She's going to be staying for two nights~ 8D And she's going to sleeping under me... huhuhuhuhu. I have a feeling that I am soo going to have so much fun tonight. HAHAHAHAHA. Actually, we were planning to go to Chong Hock today to pick up the items that I have yet to collect ever since it came. Lawl. I knoooowwwww. Don't look at me like that pls.
I feel guilty also. :/ Yeah, right. I AM guilty. But not that guilty. LOL. HAHHAAHAHAHAHA. I think am high now. My mom was supposed to be bringing us there but she got into an accident. -PRAYS- Her car got langgar from behind when she went to work this morning. -PRAYS MORE- Thank goodness, she wasn't injured but the car did suffered from a few...injuries. @.@ From what my mom said, thankfully the guy was reasonable so he paid for the repairs so there won't be any cars till Saturday afternoon.
So we turned to Muien for help...which he did say yess and he even borrowed me a hoodie for my cosplay in July. WEEE. HAHAHAHHAHA THANK YOU MUIEN!!!!!! =D REALLY THANKS!!! Now all I need is a Teddy that I can cuddle with me on that day. Welllll, am not telling who am going as. lol I bet none of you even know where the character is from even if I told you the name. :/ Neeeeh. But am going CASUALLY simple. lol. That's for sure.
Muein brought us to go withdraw our money...then we went to Chong Hock. Sadly, Eric went off as soon as we went in. So we waited. It's our fault anyways. Forgot it's lunch time. Then Muien had to go pray so left me and Jackie waiting there. xD He came back and one plus though. And...HERE ARE THE ITEMS BABE.

Jackie on the other hand, got herself the tea cup as well as a Final Fantasy VII Advent Children posters. xD
Anywaysss, once I got the stuffs. Went to Easy Way to score the drinks, then we went home for some lunch and rest. When we reached home, already 2 something. Near to 3. Dx
After we reached home, we watched ANTIQUE, based on the shounen-ai manga Antique Bakery. I didn't of course have much interest in it when cuzzie keeps on babbling me to watch it since the anime itself. OH HELL. Was such a LETDOWN. D8 I mean, seriously. I won't even get pass the opening. AT ALL. Such a low budget animation. I wish they would actually put more effort into it.

I find the movie funny and now finally realised why the Korean movie OWNED the Japanese drama so much. 8D dhdgagdgdadgdygdwgdujshdkhkhahdhj
I find a pleasure in playing ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE. And the game, is hard in a way cause they don't have a basic rundown of the way the missions have to be ordered. Because if you choose like the wrong mission at the wrong time, the other missions will be affected. Not to mention when the mission expires, you can't play that mission anymore. I get to choose and move around between the agents, Louis and Kia. These two perverts can't seem to go without touching their targets. Lawl. Dx What kind of stupid game is this. ~_~ But I like it. 8D
Here are some screenshots. 8D

We're going to have a movie marathon tonightttt. 8D
Thursday, June 11, 2009
#157. Alive and free is what I wanna be~ 8D
Langmaor is dissing with me. Seriously. I found absolute obedience in Chinese and I swear am so going to download it and all of those leechers who leech with me can go eet shit. HAHAHAHHAHAHA Waaa. So rude ah me. (gg) But what the hell? xD Because of them, the download is slow. D8 Now, who should I f-ing blame for the slow speed? -touch my heart- Am still warm-blooded, dears.
BIG THANK YOU TO RAI, for introducing me to Yui~ Now Yui can help me get stuffs from Japan. -huhuhuhu- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kidding lar~ But another big thanks to Yui-chan for helping me search~ 8D And no worries, will help bribe Rai Rai to get more items from joo. 8D HAHHAHAHAHAHHAA. WATCH OUT RAI. OMGROFLBBQWTF. Hmm, doesn't sound as catchier as before. D:
AHH. I feel mean this morning so am being mean. D8 So stop your jddjadgjsdfajgdjsgdhagjdsa bullshitting and f-off and leave me alone. ;_;
Dad mentioned it. Mom mentioned it. So even if they say dunnoe but am going to be shipped to Sibu soon so yeah. >=| SO HAHAHAHAHA. FUCK LIFE.
BIG THANK YOU TO RAI, for introducing me to Yui~ Now Yui can help me get stuffs from Japan. -huhuhuhu- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kidding lar~ But another big thanks to Yui-chan for helping me search~ 8D And no worries, will help bribe Rai Rai to get more items from joo. 8D HAHHAHAHAHAHHAA. WATCH OUT RAI. OMGROFLBBQWTF. Hmm, doesn't sound as catchier as before. D:
AHH. I feel mean this morning so am being mean. D8 So stop your jddjadgjsdfajgdjsgdhagjdsa bullshitting and f-off and leave me alone. ;_;
Dad mentioned it. Mom mentioned it. So even if they say dunnoe but am going to be shipped to Sibu soon so yeah. >=| SO HAHAHAHAHA. FUCK LIFE.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
#156. Because I like using codes.

I have yet to listen to the rest of the Drama CDs I downloaded. Only managed to listen to Ikoku Irokoi Romantan (Ayano Yamane) and Bitter (Minami Haruka). I don't really enjoy Minami Haruka's art, I find her art somehow disturbing and not really realistic in a way. Sure, her pretty boys art is enough to make a person drool but the way she draw their bodies...is just wrong in a way. Nice in clothed. But wrong as in when they are naked. Looks like shota. I don't enjoy shota and finds it to be very disturbing in a way.
Unless it's proven legal in my views (I don't mind a little Itachi/Sasuke action just that pls do not let Sasuke be 7 or 8 when he do it). That's all I asked for. =D Another artwork I don't like are works by Yamato Nase. Sorry, Yamato-sensei. But...I don't go for kiddish looking boys...makes them look shota-ish. For me, art matters a lot. But if the art is not that nice and the lovely storyline makes up for it. Then I won't complain at all. 8D
I think am moving away from the topic. Lawl. Anyways, let's talk about the lovely picture above drawn by Minami Haruka. =D It's a drama cd. No download link this time. It's kind of short. Only 5 tracks. Track 6 is their free talk session where they voice out their feelings and opinions about the characters they're VA for. 8D Apart from making fun of each other, I seriously don't think they're talking about anything else.
And if there's anything Minami Haruka is famous for, it's her H scenes. lawl. Trust me, after going through her books, I just HAVE to say that. But in this drama cd. Two H scenes only. And they're short and straight to the point. Kind of surprising in a way. :/ For the perverts out there, watch out for Track 2 and Track 5. Lawl. Beginning smex and make up smex. Ah, what the hell?! LOL
Am not going to say much on this drama...It's kind of like those typical business plots, except for this one, it centers around the two hotels that were built very close together. The Royal Fort Hotel is where our seme is and he's the co-heir and general manager of it. The only worries that seem to be getting to his head at the moment is the Melqueens Tokyo Hotel that was built close to it. And the hotel is doing a good damn job of stealing some customers from his. Not to mention that the news and magazines have been comparing on them quite a lot. He hated the root of his problems very much. Then, somehow, while walking around, he met a drunken beauty (don't look at me, you should have heard this pervert in the drama cd. ~_~ )
(Keeps on calling that drunk guy, bijin, bijin. Ahhh. I was like lawl-ing all the way.) and because of the problem he was causing for his staffs (that dude freaking stayed for 3 hours. crazy man. lawl), Yoshitomo (the seme) escorts him back to his room. Somehow, being the pervert that he is, can't seem to keep his hands + mouth to himself. (Seriously. No joke there.) And starts commenting on how alluring and mesmerizing the guy is (who's actually asleep, btw.). Guy wake up because of the foreplay, slap him and stalked off to the bathroom.
Of course, there's an actual conversation there, like the guy getting all panic-ky and wonder if the pervert did anything to him~ (in a rude manner) and angrily told him in a rude/cold way that he hate to be forced. Somehow, said pervert felt more attracted to him cause of his cold attitude. (I did call him a stupid.) And prays that it won't affect first impressions and be hated by the beauty in front of him. (Okay, definitely a stupid here. ~_~)
In Track 2, Yoshitomo's brother make an appearance and they started to talk about the crisis their hotel is facing. (It's just their hotel is being compared in an article, again) And you will hear Yoshitomo complaining on how he hates them doing this and blaaah. A brief flashback on what happened between him and the beauty yesterday depicting the scene where he apologized and mentioned because the beauty is his favorite type and etc. Then the beauty mentioned he wants to meet him again tomorrow. (This pervert thinks it's a date. LAWL.)
When he went, turns out, that beauty is his rival hotel's. And because of some plan thingy. He told Yoshitomo that he will do anything in return so he gave his body to Yoshitomo. Things happened. I malas continue. If you want to know what happened next, go download yourself pls. HAHAHAA.
Monday, June 8, 2009
#155. Am just being bitchy + BL Drama CD download~
In respond to Rai's uberly wonderful comment: THANKS, RAI. 8D I love this layout to bits!!! xD And Yiruma's music is sooo goddamn godly that it will be a shame not to use it. *sniff*
On a side note, am just so goddamn happy in my other world that I found this!!!
On a side note, am just so goddamn happy in my other world that I found this!!!
Download link - Drama CD
Title: Harem Night Ruriiro no Oukan
Pairing: Morikawa Toshiyuki x Toriumi KousukeNo need to right click, just click on it, will open in a new window. =D Love me, I felt like sharing especially since I spent MONTHS trying to find the translation and the drama cd link. For those who wants the Chinese translation of the Drama, drop a tag on the tagboard along with your email address so I can just pass it to you via email. 8D I don't have the english translation of it so please do not ask me for it. D8
Friday, June 5, 2009
#154. Koi no Shizuku

Title, Original Japanese: 恋の雫
Title, Romanji: Koi no Shizuku
Author: 香坂あきほ - (Kousaka Akiho)
Illustrator: 香坂あきほ - Kousaka Akiho
Publisher: コアマガジンdrapコミックス
Company: ランティス - Lantis
Released: 03/26/2008
Catalog number: LACA-5761
Original price: ¥3,000
Character: Seiyuu (Japanese) | Character: Seiyuu (Romanji) |
恋の雫: 成沢亘: 羽多野渉 柴崎麻耶: 近藤隆 抱きしめたい: 高瀬玲司: 平川大輔 練馬奏良: 代永翼 シェイク: 宮守直人: 杉田智和 菊水一: 神谷浩史 | Koi no Shizuku: Hatano Wataru Kondou Takashi Dakishimetai: Hirakawa Daisuke Yonaga Tsubasa Shake(?): Sugita Tomokazu Kamiya Hiroshi |
#153. 气死人了!!!他妈的!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
#152. moooooovies

I have been downloading novels alot actually. :/ Been busy reading them but the novels nowadays are mostly NPs and I have a hard time trying to figure out which has NP and which isn't. No matter how good the storyline is but I just can't help it. NP just killed me. I rather read those which has one on one romance istead of N semes/ 1 uke or 1 seme/ N ukes. What the hell? I have seen an author commented on the fact that "If the story is really good, readers normally wouldnt care what the pairings are."
WRONG. They do care. D: If not, then why the hell do they have to like seperate the pairings so they can differentiate them so well? Dx Pls think about what you said pls. You can't force a straight guy to read gay novels. That's for sure. And the same thing is for here. You can't force a person too to read something that they dont like no matter how well received the book is or how popular and how awesome the plot is. You just can't.
Some people have their own tastes on how they want their story to turn out. It's like once I read halfway, then turn out that he didn't end up with the guy I wanted to him to. Lost interest. End of story. :/
A couple more days left that VF Vol 5 is going to be released and I shall sit my ass back and wait for the extra 40 pages manga chapter to be scanlated. I wonder if that Takaba cat burglar style outfit manga panel is in it? Oh the possibilities. I personally think that Takaba wouldn't like become Asami's partnership in crime. His pride is too much for that. And didn't he said that he will bring Asami down?
:/ Am just speculating. WEE.
Oh yeah, and tonight, I will probably go watch movie with PC and Lans. Don't know watch what. HAHAHAHA. =D
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