Ignore the sparkly text. Just so damn happy! My mom predicted we will get a house soon this year so she asked me to make sure I packed up all my junks nicely. I did after so much procrastination. AND NOW SHE REALLY GOT IT. WE'RE GONNA MOVE! TRALALLALALALALAA~
Too bad I won't be able to see it for my own since am stuck in UK for a year. @.@ The only down part to this thing is that it's DAMN far. Like damn far. :( It's near Muara Town. I doubt I will have much people come and visit now....or will I ever wanna go out now.
sobs. WAI SO FAR. But it can't be helped since we gotta be grateful they gave this to us. Gotta be grateful. :)
I had logic and logic programming today. It was interesting but I find it hard to concentrate. My mind keep on telling me it's time to sleep. So I got distracted most of the time but at least I understood what the lecturer was trying to say. I learned the basic mathematics logic before in UBD. I didn't really like it. But it doesn't hurt to relearn this again. Ahahahaha.
After that I went to town. The queue was terrible. And long. :( After about waiting for 20 mins, it was finally our turn. I was cranky and grumpy. We were trying our best to look for the stupid stationary store. IT TOOK US ABOUT 2 HOURS TO FIND THE SHOP. I SWEAR I WANNA DIE. Somewhere around then, me and Aden went to the comic book store. I was hoping to get my hands on the copy of the Dark Knight.
But I found them. OMG OMG.
Flash was the last copy left on the shelf. I just have to take it. Superman still have a lot of copies left. But I don't want to risk it. >.< So I got it off the shelf too. Now all I have to wait is the 2nd print of Batman and Wonder Woman. Am also still waiting for my JLA to arrive. :( I hope nothing's wrong with the shipping process.
And we also stopped by a place to eat along the way at Munchies. I ordered the Medium Bacon Burger Meal set.
I regret ordering it. I SHOULD HAVE ASKED FOR SMALL. BUT NOOOO. I have to be keh kiang and ask for medium. =.= Biggest mistake ever. The portion was so big that I can't finish it on my own. No wonder the guy was like asking me if we are eating separately or together. I didn't quite get it at first though. LOL
I also went to HMV. They have the Batman Arkham City set for preorder. I wanted to ask how much it cost but I chickened out? LOL AND I SAW THE 3DS. 150 POUNDS FOR ONE. OMG.
Last but not least:
*drools* Supey, are you staring at Batsy? :D I know you are, you scoundrel you.
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