I am amazed. I am truly amazed. My tears started flowing when I heard the OP and when thei showed the day transition calendar, my mind went WTF THEY EVEN INCLUDED THIS KIND OF DETAIL?! It feels so much like the game!!! And it DIDN'T disappoint me one bit.
Some of the animations could be improved, but the close-ups are absolutely stunning. Even the commercial break showed the MC's stats parameters. I assumed they will upgrade it as the episodes go by. Intelligence +1 or something like that. HAHA. I personally can't wait for the Social Links to show up! I wonder how are they going to do that? 8D
And the OST, OMG, DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE OST. They didn't make a new batch. They reused the game's OST. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE DIE THIS. HAHA It's these kind of details every game adaptation anime needs to look at!
The battle scene. The battle scene. The freaking battle scene. The face shot when he said Izanagi to deliver the final blow. HNNNGGG!!
Persona didn't mess up big time. When it comes to P4, they just couldn't and wouldn't dare to mess this awesome game up.
From the beautiful Pursuing your True Self opening song to the ending. UGH. I am so happy!! The MC talks! They didn't give him too much lines to talk and blabbed on and on like the other characters but they gave him just enough (just like the game again!) to speak when it's important and when they are asking for his opinion!
I am so used to him being silent. HAHA.
The first episode felt a bit rushed but they didn't skip out the important events. I didn't feel completely lost at all. Probably because I have already played the game. I don't know how the newcomers are going to feel about it.
But if I bloody catch one of you noobs out there sullying P4: Animation's good name, Imma kick your ass! This is like the best game adaption ever and they really done a great job! Some parts need some fixing but am happy if they keep this up!
And am so gonna die happy if somehow in the future, they decided to license the anime, AND they also decided to use back the original voice actors for the game, I will die happy.
I will seriously die happy.
Persona, you make my emo life complete.