Thursday, October 20, 2011

#324. OMG OMG OMG!!!






#323. So I bought myself a Batman shirt...

...wait what? 


Sunday, October 16, 2011

#319. Sigh...

I wish I hadn't given up on myself that easily too.

#318. So Hiddles make a good living.

Make a good living. =D

#317. Deadpool says...

I can't seem to concentrate on my work!! T_T I don't think I am motivated enough to do this...or whether I am okay with going through with this... UGH. BRAIN, WHY?! Why can't you make me concentrate! I am getting very annoyed because of you!!!!! >.< *sigh*

I already finished one report but I have another one due on the same day too. Not surprising. This is uni life and I need to get a grip on how things are done here. But I am just so tired. My friends are like goyang kaki-ing at work and I am the one here studying my ass off. Just not very cool in my book.

Yet, I am grateful I am the one who was selected. I am happy to be here...just not to do work. HAHAHAA. Wtf am I saying?!

So I was anxiously waiting for the live showing of Tom and Chris... HAHAHHAA. OMG, ANYONE WATCHED THAT?! LIKE SRSLY WATCHED THAT?! I am so happy that the fans popped two questions that made me giggle like crazy!

One of the fans asked about the tension between Cap and Iron Man while the other hopes to see Tom portray the female version of Loki. HAHAHHAA I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT TOO. I almost choked on my drink back then.


#316. So a lot of people went to line for iphone 4s

...only to find all of them snapped up and gone for the day. 


Expensive but yummy. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

#314. So I cried manly tears...

That was perfect. 

#313. JLA #2 Preview showed five pages of JLA. And I gotta say, it's looking good. The Flash was briefly introduced first then we head onto the epic Superman and Batman battle. Poor Bruce, why Clark so mean to you?! And I loled at Hal Jordan. HAHA

I can't wait for this issue! <3!

#312. WTF

This is exactly how I looked like in class just now. I was so busy trying to keep myself awake that none of the  explanations go through my head. HAHA

Amiami just have the Batman figure up for pre-order. WHY SO EXPENSIVE. I DON'T COMPUTE. I DON'T UNDERSTAND?! *RIPSHAIR*


Thursday, October 13, 2011

#311. So I dreamed...

...that I have a white fluffy dog named Bruce. And it will jiggle like Christian. HAHAHA It has the loudest bark you could ever imagined, the cutest black button nose everybody would love to rub on. Also, it has a black patch on its left eye. It also has the most softest white fluffly tail that will make any dog lover squeal. It's intelligent and seems to understand human emotions and importantly, it understand what I am trying to say.


It's my dream dog and shit, I miss it so much already. Hopefully, Bruce, you will come and invade my dream again tonight. I need your company so bad. :(

So I did my work...looks like it wasn't enough which is why I need to do more and hopefully, I will get a positive reaction about this. :) I really want to do well but I am so used to be told what to do that I don't even know where to start!

Hopefully, I will learn something from this and start being independent instead of dependent all the time.

#310. Fastest Man Alive

Oh Wally, why you so adorable. <3

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

#309. Avengers Tease

Aww. I love you both. <3


#308. So I said... couldn't be anymore better.

I have two reports. One due tomorrow and another one due on Monday. I don't really have to worry much about the Monday once since the Professor gave us some feedback on our presentation. I think we did good. Just need to find out what more is there to add to make the work better and more...should I say, full.

I still haven't get myself started on the one due tomorrow. Can I write it in bullet points instead? Hahhahaa. Didn't do much in class today also. Was chitchatting most of the time.




I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!! This will my very convention. I am so happy I decided to take HCI in the end cause I get to meet wonderful people like Sasha and Owain!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

So excited!! I promised I will try to get as many pictures as possible but uh, don't sweat on it since I will be too busy looking around and buying stuffs. I need to limit my purchase to 100 pounds for that day. Definitely do not want to starve for the rest of the month. Aha.

And has anyone seen the Avenger's trailer?

I am so excited for it also. MISTRESSANDMOE Loki needs some love!!

8D Awesome isn't it? Love the part where Loki chucked Tony out like that. I really love Loki. He's too adorable!

I swear Batman stuffs are trying to kill me. First it was HT, now it's Squeenix's turn to make me squeal. THEY ARE OH SO GORGEOUS. 

Definitely want to preorder Batman's soon enough!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

#307. Persona 4: The Animation

I am amazed. I am truly amazed. My tears started flowing when I heard the OP and when thei showed the day transition calendar, my mind went WTF THEY EVEN INCLUDED THIS KIND OF DETAIL?! It feels so much like the game!!! And it DIDN'T disappoint me one bit.

Some of the animations could be improved, but the close-ups are absolutely stunning. Even the commercial break showed the MC's stats parameters. I assumed they will upgrade it as the episodes go by. Intelligence +1 or something like that. HAHA. I personally can't wait for the Social Links to show up! I wonder how are they going to do that? 8D

And the OST, OMG, DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE OST. They didn't make a new batch. They reused the game's OST. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE DIE THIS. HAHA It's these kind of details every game adaptation anime needs to look at!

The battle scene. The battle scene. The freaking battle scene. The face shot when he said Izanagi to deliver the final blow. HNNNGGG!!

Persona didn't mess up big time. When it comes to P4, they just couldn't and wouldn't dare to mess this awesome game up.

From the beautiful Pursuing your True Self opening song to the ending. UGH. I am so happy!! The MC talks! They didn't give him too much lines to talk and blabbed on and on like the other characters but they gave him just enough (just like the game again!) to speak when it's important and when they are asking for his opinion!

I am so used to him being silent. HAHA.

The first episode felt a bit rushed but they didn't skip out the important events. I didn't feel completely lost at all. Probably because I have already played the game. I don't know how the newcomers are going to feel about it.

But if I bloody catch one of you noobs out there sullying P4: Animation's good name, Imma kick your ass! This is like the best game adaption ever and they really done a great job! Some parts need some fixing but am happy if they keep this up!

And am so gonna die happy if somehow in the future, they decided to license the anime, AND they also decided to use back the original voice actors for the game, I will die happy.

I will seriously die happy.

Persona, you make my emo life complete.

Friday, October 7, 2011

#306. Dejected

Am angry.

Like super angry.

At no one in particular.

Just very pissed off at myself. 


I am so scared I won't be able to do the project on my own. I am more comfortable if I do it with someone else...who will want me to join their group. :(

But the thing one wants me in their group. Perhaps it's because am not that close with them. I mean, heck, we just met or we never met buthey who knows they just saw some pictures and let's all leave out the asian bitch or something.


Sorry. I shouldn't think badly about the people who I never talked with. It's just so unkind of me. I can't help it though...It hurts. In a way. I want to score in this project. I want to make them all proud of me.

I guess I can't. Maybe I should have just gone for internship and stay in Brunei or something. Least that will make my life less miserable. :(

I am not that worried about studies. I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. But the project is just killing me slowly. Maybe I should have said screw the diploma. I just want my credits. But noooo, I just have to say I want a diploma. 

To be honest, I really really really want the diploma. A lot. 

But I wanna experience working in a group. I wanna experience doing something worthwhile. I wanna experience something different. I don't wanna stay coop up in my room all day long trying to code something on my own. 

I don't wanna. :(

Please let me have a group. Please. 

So many bad things happened to me already. Being left out in discussions, being the only one who is different, having not much friends, being rejected by a group, having my uncle passed away... It's just too much to bear. 

I may not be an academically good student but I can try. I will try. 

So why can't anyone give me a chance in proving myself?

I may not be skilled in something but I honestly can learn. I am willing to learn. Just gimme a chance...


#305. Goodies

I think I have been going too over the top with my drama lately. Hahahhaa.

But enough about that. I went to Waterstone today. My aim was to buy The Dark Knight Returns actually but I ended up buying The Return of Bruce Wayne instead. TOINKS. IKR. HAHAHAHA. I am going to have a great time reading it tonight!! It's the deluxe edition. And yes, I bought the hardcover version. Couldn't help it. :P

I also paid a visit to HMV to ask about the Arkahm City game...which I DID ask. The price was okay so I didn't give a damn. I just go on ahead with it.

They gave me this card which I can use to earn does that mean I can use the points to purchase stuffs online or something? :/

Thursday, October 6, 2011

#304. Batman Vault

I haven't actually read the book yet. But...

It's AWESOME. HAHAHA. Plus. it's big ass and heavy. I love it. I only flipped through the book. Haven't actually read any of the contents since I wanna save it for some other time. :) It's worth the price and definitely worth collecting. I like how it explains Batman's history, not only that, they also give some collectibles like replicas of Robin's sketch, newspaper articles, covers and etc. It comes with the book and is a definite must-get!

I can't say much about it except to show you some pictures I got.

See how the logos have evolved through the years? :)

Enjoy. Once I read it, I will review the book! In the mean time, Batman Files is going to be released on 25th October, Arkham City is gonna be out on 21st October. 

October is the killer month. I wish I have extra dough to spend. 
