I bet this news have been circling within the yaoi circle since 2008. Just that I haven't done the review for it. OMFG. This is. A. CLASSIC. And people who don't know and don't watch Ai no Kusabi is not qualified to be a yaoi fangirl. :(
Yes, am speaking the truth. The OVA was released 20 years ago. *gasp* Even I wasn't born yet. I only came across AI no Kusabi after my major yaoi fangirl virus attack in Form 3. And damn, it's good. ;_; And people, go watch it now if you wanna be called as a fangirl. LOL. Kidding lor. But it's true. The name is familiar to most people who stay loyal to the yaoi genre.
Best, I can't wait for it. IT'S GOING TO COME OUT SOON. ;_; THE TRAILER IS SOO PROMISING. Hopefully, it will be better than the old OVA.
Iason: Ookawa Tooru 大川透 (Original: Shiozawa Kaneto 塩沢兼人)
Riki: Itou Kentarou 伊藤健太郎 (Original: Seki Toshihiko 関俊彦)
Raoul: Kuroda Takaya 黒田崇矢 (Original: Hayami Shou 速水奨)
Katze: Miki Shinichirou 三木眞一郎 (Original: Tanaka Hideyuki)
Guy: Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔 (Original: Kojima Takayuki 小島貴幸)
Daryl: Hanawa Eiji はなわ えいじ 花輪英司 (Original: Okiayu Ryoutarou 置鮎龍太郎)
Speaking of more to come, Sex Pistols to be tuned too!!
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