Um...okay. Went out again today to go check on my sister's Kairi outfit. Didn't manage to get any pictures done though cause it was so freaking crowded today. Dx And it's very hard to work around. People were running around trying to get into their custom made bajus and all.
=3 I have to say that "someone" look extremely gorgeous in her outfit although she don't wanna admit it. =D
Okay. My sister's Kairi outfit is nice. The thing is the skirt is too bloody damn short. Dx And when I mean short, very short. Like when you sit down, you see undies that kind of short. Dx but have no fear, I asked them to make it couple longer to see how it goes...So am going there again this Monday.
Rhyme's jumper is LOVE. Extremely love and my sis looks so awesome in it. =D And Nabeelah took her suit already. Dx Although it ain't the ouran color, I think it will do lah. Who knows, she can be the male characters from the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. But she really wanna be Kyouya. =D
Oh and after that, we went to the Mall with Amal and Jacky for some "Kairi" shopping. Bought a pair of black Knee Length socks for my sister. Only cost $6.10? =D The price is okay though and Amal kept on trying the can of hair sprays on my sister's hair! LOL. But the thing is, they are all stuck.
So we can't see how the color Red will look like on her hair. Dx Too bad though.
I went to KoFoam to check on the cloth and everything. When I saw the beautiful Maroon red, my whole body moves on its own. D= So in the end, I guess everything is pointing to Kenshin. =.=;; Okay. It's definitely Kenshin since I bought the cloth and all. I asked already and everything in that cloth shop is 50% off? o.o;; So cheap so I decided to buy it on the spot. I bet if I buy it during non-promotion day, it's going to cost me around $40+ >_>;;
Better buy now. And besides, I already show the reference to the tailor, the price he said to me is still affordable. =D Around $50-60? Weee~ Cause Kenshin's pants is a bit different. lol
Also bought a pair of two-toe socks. o.o;; BLACK ONES! Just like the ones kenshin wear in the anime~ But then, I don't think they are actually the actual socks. lol. Oh well. As long as it's two-toe and the color is right, am happy. Wee~

Yay~ :33333
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