Axel's Chakram. Nice, isn't it? xDD This is just one of the pairs Amal is making. But seriously, nice chakram. Now all she needs is an Axel cosplayer. HAHA. xD So we went out today again, to Artly so Amal can get her fitting done. Along the way as usual, we pick up Jackie who sort of suddenly cancelled her Temburong trip. :D
After a while of spinning anf driving around, we all just realised that there ain't much place to go in Brunei. /gasp WTF. I MEAN SERIOUSLY, there's Gadong, Kiulap, Teguh, Bandar, Giant....and where else? D: NO WHERE. Which made it kinda sad, isn't it? DX
And look what I got today~ =3= I LOVE JOOO, MA FAN. And no, it's not a love confession. Just trying to tell you how happy and grateful I am to you for getting me this. And no, don't worry, it ain't weird so stop saying it is. :3
Even delivered it to my house. :3333 JUST THANK YOU SO MUCH. I thought it was going to be another keychain. Who knows, it's a cat paw! Those anime kinds. Jackie and Amal tried it on just now when they came over. Too bad I didn't manage to take a picture of it.

Wee~ Cat paw~

_|_ HAHAHAHA. Too bad it didn't have five fingers. :/ But I guess this will do. xD

Back view~ I like the furr and the stripes thingy on it~ So furry~

I tried moving my hands. Turn out I can move it BUT I can't hold things with it. Bummer. Cause of the pad at the front. lol
Sushi~ Went for Excapade two days ago. Promised my darling that I will TRY my best to take pictures of the food. xDD WHICH I FINALLY SUCEEDED!! I actually have to halt them from digging into the sushis. Seriously, what's wrong with these people. It's like they're so hungry that they don't even care anymore. Even had a small fight over a Tama Ebiko Sushi.

My sister's Tom Yan Udon. I was actually planning to order that. :/

._. There's raw in it. So no one touch it except for my cousin. She was the one who ordered it anyways.

Idk what this is. And IDW go near it. D:

Salmon Teriyaki Don. :DDDD


Tama Ebiko Sushi. Can you actually believe that FIVE PERSONS were quarreling over it? ._. I mean, they can always just order another plate?

This was for my youngest sister and my mom said nobody, NOBODY, except her can touch it. So you can probably imagine our faces at that time.

Again. Property of me sis.

California Maki~~ weeee~

This looks nice yet wrong. A new form of censor bar. :3

Kani Koroke? Nobody except me and my mother ate it. Wonder why. :/
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