Wee! Pretty lanterns! I was wtf-ing when I saw this. =.= I mean, WTF IS THIS?! IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S BEEN MADE BY A PRO! ISN'T THIS A COMPETITION FOR STUDENTS?! ._. Anyways, this pro dragon lantern is so pretty that it kinda bugged me out. Nobody came up with this idea before cause dragons are very hard to make and it's so big. Again, no doubt here, it won first prize! FIRST PRIZE! They're a number of big lanterns in the temple. Here's a couple.

Zhong guo wa wa! Yeap. Piang's right. Competition is tight.

A new layout! Again~ The previous ones were an experiment cause
last time when Nana wanted me to edit a aethereality layout for her which I did but somehow, there were errors written all over it. Courtsey of Mable's help for clearing things up~ Thanks, Mable! I just thought that it was very strange since I swear there were nothing wrong with my codings. Mable said the blogger codes don't work. Hmm.
I will have to research on it later. Yes, am lazy now. Lot of fun and interesting events happened for the past days. Like, I went out with Nana, Jackie, Pc, Lan Sing and Piang. Our aim was to meet Rano but somehow, things happened and Rano's busy. :/ So we didn't get to meet him. Hopefully, he will be free soon. TwT Cause we kinda need help from him in advertising our (hopefully nothing happens and it will be approved con), COSDAICON 2008!
Yeshu! Brunei's first ever Convention is coming to town! if it was approved. There are a lot of obstacles we have to go through. :/ Seriously, am not joking or shitting on you. >_> Our committee have to go through Sunlit, KDN and a couple of others people as well. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH OUR COMMITTEE so shame on you for even thinking that way! We're working hard in doing our job efficiently to bring you a great con so please don't shun us or call us jobless in making this happen.
Piang already made the mascot banner and our beloved mascot ish~ Kotoko and Konna!! they represent the male and the female population of the community. :3 Thanks Piang and love you for your hard work!
But then, we didn't manage to meet Rano. TwT So hopefully, we can arrange a meeting with him soon and also Lim Han! We called him and he mentioned that cosplay is flagged as inappropriate for some skimpy outfits. We will not tolerate that since MIB is very important! So please do not wear skimpy outfits to our event. You will be kicked and booted out. Lol. Seriously. Again, am not kidding.
So after that, we went a bit of karaoke-ing. Found out the new arcade got the japanese songs option. I see FFX-2 which kinda reminded me of the game again and how sad Yuna had become after Tidus left. Yesh, am a fangirl. ._. Tell me who didn't cry when Tidus left? (cancel out the heartless boys here) ._.
On sunday, we went to Nana's place for a make up test trial. ._. Details in both Nana and Piang's blog. She called me fagget again for numerous times. It's not my fault that am scared of a couple of make up. XD I don't do make ups. My mom was so freaking happy when she saw me with makeup on my face.
WTF. =.= Jackie was laughing. D:
We're not going to do a Tsubasa cosplay anymore, due to some reasons. Instead we're planning to rock our con and BCG with our final fantasy cosplays.
Nana: Lightning from FFXIII
Piang: Cissnei from FFVII feat. Crisis Core
Me: Refia from FFIII (Remake)
Lan Sing: Rinoa from FFVIII
PC: Tifa from FFVII feat. Advent Children
Dee: Elena from FFVII
Jackie: Aerith from FFVII
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