The swirly kinds. Not those glow in the dark kinds. :/ I have been thinking a lot lately whether or not to tone down my raging shopping spree online. Bought all kinds of supposed junk that I seriously have no need for them. Heck, don't even have a display case to display them! If they arrived, bet one million bucks that my mom will go berserk once again. :/
And for the sake of wonderdog and g-force, I wish the dog will stop clawing my feet when am typing away in LJ. That is JUST SO NOT cool. Geddit, dog? For some odd reason, Idk why my cousin named her Burger. :/ Meh.
And my mom just did a very BAD imitation of a rock star while I was watching my Gazette DVD on TV. I mean like WTF. ~_~ Just because Reita spins and jumps aorund with his bass, my mom JUST HAD to spoil the whole fangasm thing by doing the exact same thing. I wish I can put in the /ew emoticon I have been abusing a lot on msn. I blame you for that cuzzie.
Staring at the screen while watching a live action movie trailer for Minesweeper and Pac man made lul all the way. The Legend of Zelda Movie Trailer did sorta made me go oh em gee but then again, some sort of sick april fool joke that IGN had to post up and make all fans go crazy and commit suicide. It's like saying oh gee, can I stab myself right now?
The trailer DID seem good. :/ But I wonder if there was this real movie, how the hell are they gonna act Link out? He doesn't talk. Rofl.
Soeaking of movies, I swear Dragonball...ugh. Don't get me started on that. ~_~;; I will leave that all to your imaginations and inner fan bashing. I might give it a shot though cause who knows. The Chun Li one doesn't look bad. :/
Oh wellz. Japan Postal service sure sounds nice. Just knew I can track my parcels online. HAHAHA. Ever since then, have been checking the site everyday or two to see how long my FF Potion Drink will arrive. *insert loads of squealing and dragonball bashing*
By the way, I was wondering what to get frst. I know PS3 is WAAAAY OFFF my budget. So I was thinking between a DS, PSP or a WII. :/ DS cause of TWEWY and KH: 358/2 Days. D8 PSP - cause that sexy Dissidia version of Squall is making me die. And there's always Crisis Core orrrr that soon to come out KH: Birth by Sleep. Or WII? Cause Raving Rabbids is just so sexy at the moment. (WTF much?) Help me choooseee thanks.
Edit: OH SHOOT. Forgot about Pokemon. HOW CAN I FORGET ABOUT POKEMON. )8 Pokemon for DS pwease.

i have one. i love the stupid thing to death.
but i've been gankign my siblings DS so.... i cheat.
i dont have anything for it yet though~
If you've got a good computer, I suggest the PSP. You can do all kinds of neat things with that, and I bet a hi-speed connection helps. I have a DS myself, and it's really a big dust-collector, but then again, my handheld-passion died when my version of PKMN Silver did. D: [FRICKING BATTERY FAILURE ERASIN MAH SAVES]
But I'm glad I have a DS, for 358/2 Days. Although, that's about it.
'Course, this is coming from someone who's too cheap to buy herself new games, so maybe my opinion is invalid. XP
And OMG spunky bass player?! Win! 8D
HAHHAA. I wanna get my hands on Dissidia though but 358/2 days is coming out for DS. D8 So now am confused like hell.
Okay. Now am more confuzzled than eveah. Dissdia...makes me wanna rape it.
My friend wants Dissidia for Kefka. D:
its fucking me up because i want both but i probably wont have money for both XD;
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