I am officially confused and I have officially returned. lololololol
My old site died. Guess webhost wasn't much of a good host after all. lololololol And apart from knowing how to confuse me like shit. The navigation system ain't that nice either. D8 Oh wellz, gonna keep it low and steady for now. 8D
Apart from vaining too much for starters, I don't know...tired maybe? Haha. The job I got is a REAL killer. Dx And it ddin't help much. Time would fly by so fast if there's someone to talk with.
As for cosplay plans, hmm. Truthfully, I am empty. 8D
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
#130. oh snap. my soul is flying around now.
Guess what came in the mail????

Oh by the way. Anybody getting this? <3 I have been eye-ing on it when I first saw the pictures on the community. <3 And I am definitely getting it!! Too bad sebby doesn't come with the tea set. It belonged to the blogger who posted it. Maybe can get some cheap small tea sets at those 1.80 shops. xD
Am definitely pre-ordering it once it comes out. WOOT. Must get.

Fragile everywhere. It was tightly sealed and my mom said the custom people thought it was a bomb since when they opened it. A bomb-like shaped thingy was wrap up in loads of bubble wraps. Lmao.
Turns out, it's just a nice can of drink..
It's not expired yet though...but still, I can't drink it! Else, there will be no value anymore. <3 And am planning to purchase the Sephy/Cloud one as soon as I got the cash to do so. xD Wee~
Turns out, it's just a nice can of drink..
It's not expired yet though...but still, I can't drink it! Else, there will be no value anymore. <3 And am planning to purchase the Sephy/Cloud one as soon as I got the cash to do so. xD Wee~

Oh by the way. Anybody getting this? <3 I have been eye-ing on it when I first saw the pictures on the community. <3 And I am definitely getting it!! Too bad sebby doesn't come with the tea set. It belonged to the blogger who posted it. Maybe can get some cheap small tea sets at those 1.80 shops. xD
Am definitely pre-ordering it once it comes out. WOOT. Must get.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
#129. kuroshitsuji madness
I purchased a lot of stuffs online...
That I must confess. =D
If not, I don't think I can even stand it anymore. XD
I bought like Final Fantasy Dissidia Chaos Drink Can? Only 1 though. And that comes right after I stare at the Dissdia Can in one of the booths during Japan Pop Culture week. >_> Staring at it for two days straight and molesting the cans are unhealthy. D: Please don't follow my ways in doing unhealthy things. It seriously is bad for both your health and your wallet. EVEN IF you swipe it with your own card. The pain is still there. ;_: I cans till remember the look on my mom's face. YOU WHAT. WHO THE FUCK SPEND 18 BUCKS ON A COCA COLA TIN.
Let's just censore the whole secene, shall we?
Next...jackie and I bought a plushie online for out friend, Nisah. =D Hopefully she will like it. She has 24/7 internet connection now so for the sake of not letting her know, not gonna post what it is here. All I can say is it has two ears and it's pink. Sounds disgusting, no? x3
And oooh. Bought a Hatsune Miku music box. And my kenshin's still in the tailor!! Oh gawds, no! Am IN DEBT. And I got stuffs coming in again during May or June!! D:Kuroshitsuji items, actually. <3 Am such a kuroshitsuji freak right now.
Gawd, save me now.
suggested me to cosplay Joker in the Kuroshitsuji group. As usual..his ssadistic smile just completely take me over. =3 Wish me luck~
That I must confess. =D
If not, I don't think I can even stand it anymore. XD
I bought like Final Fantasy Dissidia Chaos Drink Can? Only 1 though. And that comes right after I stare at the Dissdia Can in one of the booths during Japan Pop Culture week. >_> Staring at it for two days straight and molesting the cans are unhealthy. D: Please don't follow my ways in doing unhealthy things. It seriously is bad for both your health and your wallet. EVEN IF you swipe it with your own card. The pain is still there. ;_: I cans till remember the look on my mom's face. YOU WHAT. WHO THE FUCK SPEND 18 BUCKS ON A COCA COLA TIN.
Let's just censore the whole secene, shall we?
Next...jackie and I bought a plushie online for out friend, Nisah. =D Hopefully she will like it. She has 24/7 internet connection now so for the sake of not letting her know, not gonna post what it is here. All I can say is it has two ears and it's pink. Sounds disgusting, no? x3
And oooh. Bought a Hatsune Miku music box. And my kenshin's still in the tailor!! Oh gawds, no! Am IN DEBT. And I got stuffs coming in again during May or June!! D:
Gawd, save me now.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
#128. I see stars around me. And I freaking don't mean STARS STARS. )B
I see stars.
The swirly kinds. Not those glow in the dark kinds. :/ I have been thinking a lot lately whether or not to tone down my raging shopping spree online. Bought all kinds of supposed junk that I seriously have no need for them. Heck, don't even have a display case to display them! If they arrived, bet one million bucks that my mom will go berserk once again. :/
And for the sake of wonderdog and g-force, I wish the dog will stop clawing my feet when am typing away in LJ. That is JUST SO NOT cool. Geddit, dog? For some odd reason, Idk why my cousin named her Burger. :/ Meh.
And my mom just did a very BAD imitation of a rock star while I was watching my Gazette DVD on TV. I mean like WTF. ~_~ Just because Reita spins and jumps aorund with his bass, my mom JUST HAD to spoil the whole fangasm thing by doing the exact same thing. I wish I can put in the /ew emoticon I have been abusing a lot on msn. I blame you for that cuzzie.
Staring at the screen while watching a live action movie trailer for Minesweeper and Pac man made lul all the way. The Legend of Zelda Movie Trailer did sorta made me go oh em gee but then again, some sort of sick april fool joke that IGN had to post up and make all fans go crazy and commit suicide. It's like saying oh gee, can I stab myself right now?
The trailer DID seem good. :/ But I wonder if there was this real movie, how the hell are they gonna act Link out? He doesn't talk. Rofl.
Soeaking of movies, I swear Dragonball...ugh. Don't get me started on that. ~_~;; I will leave that all to your imaginations and inner fan bashing. I might give it a shot though cause who knows. The Chun Li one doesn't look bad. :/
Oh wellz. Japan Postal service sure sounds nice. Just knew I can track my parcels online. HAHAHA. Ever since then, have been checking the site everyday or two to see how long my FF Potion Drink will arrive. *insert loads of squealing and dragonball bashing*
By the way, I was wondering what to get frst. I know PS3 is WAAAAY OFFF my budget. So I was thinking between a DS, PSP or a WII. :/ DS cause of TWEWY and KH: 358/2 Days. D8 PSP - cause that sexy Dissidia version of Squall is making me die. And there's always Crisis Core orrrr that soon to come out KH: Birth by Sleep. Or WII? Cause Raving Rabbids is just so sexy at the moment. (WTF much?) Help me choooseee thanks.
Edit: OH SHOOT. Forgot about Pokemon. HOW CAN I FORGET ABOUT POKEMON. )8 Pokemon for DS pwease.
The swirly kinds. Not those glow in the dark kinds. :/ I have been thinking a lot lately whether or not to tone down my raging shopping spree online. Bought all kinds of supposed junk that I seriously have no need for them. Heck, don't even have a display case to display them! If they arrived, bet one million bucks that my mom will go berserk once again. :/
And for the sake of wonderdog and g-force, I wish the dog will stop clawing my feet when am typing away in LJ. That is JUST SO NOT cool. Geddit, dog? For some odd reason, Idk why my cousin named her Burger. :/ Meh.
And my mom just did a very BAD imitation of a rock star while I was watching my Gazette DVD on TV. I mean like WTF. ~_~ Just because Reita spins and jumps aorund with his bass, my mom JUST HAD to spoil the whole fangasm thing by doing the exact same thing. I wish I can put in the /ew emoticon I have been abusing a lot on msn. I blame you for that cuzzie.
Staring at the screen while watching a live action movie trailer for Minesweeper and Pac man made lul all the way. The Legend of Zelda Movie Trailer did sorta made me go oh em gee but then again, some sort of sick april fool joke that IGN had to post up and make all fans go crazy and commit suicide. It's like saying oh gee, can I stab myself right now?
The trailer DID seem good. :/ But I wonder if there was this real movie, how the hell are they gonna act Link out? He doesn't talk. Rofl.
Soeaking of movies, I swear Dragonball...ugh. Don't get me started on that. ~_~;; I will leave that all to your imaginations and inner fan bashing. I might give it a shot though cause who knows. The Chun Li one doesn't look bad. :/
Oh wellz. Japan Postal service sure sounds nice. Just knew I can track my parcels online. HAHAHA. Ever since then, have been checking the site everyday or two to see how long my FF Potion Drink will arrive. *insert loads of squealing and dragonball bashing*
By the way, I was wondering what to get frst. I know PS3 is WAAAAY OFFF my budget. So I was thinking between a DS, PSP or a WII. :/ DS cause of TWEWY and KH: 358/2 Days. D8 PSP - cause that sexy Dissidia version of Squall is making me die. And there's always Crisis Core orrrr that soon to come out KH: Birth by Sleep. Or WII? Cause Raving Rabbids is just so sexy at the moment. (WTF much?) Help me choooseee thanks.
Edit: OH SHOOT. Forgot about Pokemon. HOW CAN I FORGET ABOUT POKEMON. )8 Pokemon for DS pwease.

#127. snazzy comeback
Okay, lovely dearies. Anyone who missed meh?
Your ghey queen is back. And she's alive as she's dead. =D
Normally I would have gone all sparkly for this lame comeback but my stupid laptop won't stop giving out those beeping sounds. Hurhurhurhur. And I still don't know why the hell am I so hyper for.
Maybe ever since I discovered that WTF actually stands for WORLD TAEKWONDO FEDERATION? ROFL. Okay. I almost snorted and laughed my ass off for that. Thanks for the lulz, teach. I needed that. To think we have been abusing WTF alot all these times.
According to my own lovely mother, I have been such an emo bitch lately and things kept on going bad for me. I just changed my lens for my glasses not long ago and now? WTF. My glasses broke. IT BROKE. On it's own. ~_~ I know mom won't believe me. It will be fucking snowing here if she did. D8
So hopefully I can get it fix soon. And I seriously dont wanna think too much on it. Other than doing a very good job in straining my brain, I swear. I need some good kicking to get me alive and moving.
And for the lulz, The Japanese Pop Culture Week was okay. And here are just some crack pics that my friend took. Go on. Start laughing your head off already.

I almost forgot why we are like that. That gig at the end of the hallway must be making us high.

And here, my dears, is a very excellent depictation of the famous "DO NOT WANT" and the "DO WANT" feature. It works perfectly once you get it right.

Lulz. I think I have enough for now. The last picture did looked kinda weird.

Dang bandages. They freaking fell off. ~_~ Sorry for the long post. Then again, LJ Cut had phailed me loads of time.
Your ghey queen is back. And she's alive as she's dead. =D
Normally I would have gone all sparkly for this lame comeback but my stupid laptop won't stop giving out those beeping sounds. Hurhurhurhur. And I still don't know why the hell am I so hyper for.
Maybe ever since I discovered that WTF actually stands for WORLD TAEKWONDO FEDERATION? ROFL. Okay. I almost snorted and laughed my ass off for that. Thanks for the lulz, teach. I needed that. To think we have been abusing WTF alot all these times.
According to my own lovely mother, I have been such an emo bitch lately and things kept on going bad for me. I just changed my lens for my glasses not long ago and now? WTF. My glasses broke. IT BROKE. On it's own. ~_~ I know mom won't believe me. It will be fucking snowing here if she did. D8
So hopefully I can get it fix soon. And I seriously dont wanna think too much on it. Other than doing a very good job in straining my brain, I swear. I need some good kicking to get me alive and moving.
And for the lulz, The Japanese Pop Culture Week was okay. And here are just some crack pics that my friend took. Go on. Start laughing your head off already.

I almost forgot why we are like that. That gig at the end of the hallway must be making us high.

And here, my dears, is a very excellent depictation of the famous "DO NOT WANT" and the "DO WANT" feature. It works perfectly once you get it right.

Apart from me looking like I am gonna poop soon. Nothing seems to be as abnormal looking as me. Pretty Matsmoto-san will always be pretty Matsumoto-san. *dogdes her mighty punches*
And now, for the extra lulz and the result of my great boredom.
Here is some cards. Add them to your Yu-Gi-Oh collection, munnies.
And now, for the extra lulz and the result of my great boredom.
Here is some cards. Add them to your Yu-Gi-Oh collection, munnies.

Lulz. I think I have enough for now. The last picture did looked kinda weird.

Dang bandages. They freaking fell off. ~_~ Sorry for the long post. Then again, LJ Cut had phailed me loads of time.
Monday, March 9, 2009
#126. brief....hiatus?
Am going on a hiatus for sometime now..
Been reaaaaaaaaaaal busy. Hell yeah. Just busy. D8 So I don't think I will be able to post as much as I can now. Just telling you all before you f-cut meh.
Here's a summary of what happened so far. =D
Been reaaaaaaaaaaal busy. Hell yeah. Just busy. D8 So I don't think I will be able to post as much as I can now. Just telling you all before you f-cut meh.
Here's a summary of what happened so far. =D
- Jackie gave me a Cloud Strife Crisis Core Play Art for my Birthday~
- Amal gave me a 1/8 Sephiroth Pre-painted Figure for my Birthday~
- So Jes (me) is now trying to find a good date on the calendar to get them married. 8D
- Jes had fun on her birthday, thanks to her friends.
- But now Jes is now not having fun cause she had a huge stomach cramp the day after from eating too much on the day before her birthday. D8
- Jes got scolded by her mom on her birthday because she broke her specs in the morning.
- Jes almost got scolded by her boss because she didn't do what she was to do. (Instead of filing the receipts, she had an important date with the toilet instead.)
- Jes was surpised though her aunt doesn't seem to be mad at her for it. 8D
- But she got the scoldings at night and her aunt really gave her a piece of her cake- I mean mind. DD8
- Jes had an ulcer in her mouth on her birthday~
- Mom had a fit on Jes's birthday.
- Just because she was in too much pain to eat (ulcer + stomach cramp = kills) on her birthday. D8
- People thinks Jes need to grow up.
- But Jes personally didn't think she was still a child anymore.
- People thinks Jes seriously don't know wtf she's talking about.
- Jes thinks that she seriously dont know wtf she's talking about since she has been going on and on about Disney on Ice non-stop. D8
- When Mom asked Jes to wish for something when Jes blew out the candle.
- Jes also blew out her fuse by crying out loud. PS3.
- That wasn't really the best thing to do as her mom gave her a huge glare and a huge lecture on her sisters' not going to study if she really did get a PS3. D8
- Jes thinks she will stop now.
- Jes wish you all happy~
- Now Jes is getting a pinch in the ear while she's typing this.
- Jes needs to do her chores which she have forsaken last night.
- Okay...Jes really needs to go now-
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
#125. and they lived happily ever after~
My shoulder hurts. My eyes are blurry. I swear...I shouldn't play Hack GU too much.
Although I already beat the game long time ago. Just playing it again for the wedding scenes. ROFL. I can NEVER get bored of Endrance and Haseo's. XD
I want more DISNEY ON ICE btw. D:
My shoulder hurts. My eyes are blurry. I swear...I shouldn't play Hack GU too much.
Although I already beat the game long time ago. Just playing it again for the wedding scenes. ROFL. I can NEVER get bored of Endrance and Haseo's. XD
I want more DISNEY ON ICE btw. D:
Monday, March 2, 2009
#124. win win situation
I will be getting around to do that meme later. *saved to bookmark* =D
And I forgot my facebook password again. D=
I kept on ignoring the play asia subscription mail. 8D It was a success in restraining myself from clicking on them. Oh those wonderful figurines.
Work today was okay. There's this really cute Taekwondo Instructor. Oddly, his voice really resembled that of my physics teacher when I was in Form 5. ._. And oddly enough, my form 5 Physics Teacher is a Taekwondo instructor as well.
Hmm...I wonder.
If they are really related, that explains all those butt staring.
What? I have great admiration for tan, tall, thin and handsome. Especially if they know taekwondo. HAH! 8D
Too bad he only comes in during Sunday and Friday mornings. Bummer. I managed to take a picture of him though.omigosh, i am such a stalker. Not my problem, his back was facing me. When he turned around to teach the students that kick of his, my phone snapped by itself. :D
I haven't been able to go online much now. D8 And lest, go onto the internet. Work has been killing me. Hahahahaha. Until then.
ps. Got facebook? Add meh. 8D http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=767723347#/profile.php?id=514445605&ref=profile
Oh and before I forget...
Another one of those msn moments. He showed me this.

Can't give you guys the actual scale of the picture. So I tried to resize it. 8D
And I forgot my facebook password again. D=
I kept on ignoring the play asia subscription mail. 8D It was a success in restraining myself from clicking on them. Oh those wonderful figurines.
Work today was okay. There's this really cute Taekwondo Instructor. Oddly, his voice really resembled that of my physics teacher when I was in Form 5. ._. And oddly enough, my form 5 Physics Teacher is a Taekwondo instructor as well.
Hmm...I wonder.
If they are really related, that explains all those butt staring.
What? I have great admiration for tan, tall, thin and handsome. Especially if they know taekwondo. HAH! 8D
Too bad he only comes in during Sunday and Friday mornings. Bummer. I managed to take a picture of him though.
I haven't been able to go online much now. D8 And lest, go onto the internet. Work has been killing me. Hahahahaha. Until then.
ps. Got facebook? Add meh. 8D http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=767723347#/profile.php?id=514445605&ref=profile
Oh and before I forget...
Another one of those msn moments. He showed me this.

Can't give you guys the actual scale of the picture. So I tried to resize it. 8D
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