Bakura hates maths. Don't believe me? He chucked the book out of the window. Awesome, isn't he? Here's the proof. Let's all welcome his inner thoughts...
Ryou just walked in again. I think he's mad at me for not picking up the phone. Hey! It's not my fault you didn't teach me what a phone was!
Oh, now he's telling me to do my math homework. Okay, fine! I'll do my math homework! Just because Ryou doesn't think I'll be able to do it!
This doesn't look easy.
Tell me again why I decided to go to school with my hikari?
And that since I'm going to this "school" I should know what a phone is!
Damn. What does "Absolute Value" mean? I swear we didn't talk about this in that stupid place my hikari calls "Math Class".
Ryou's laughing at me. He knows I can't do it! AH!
I will go strangle my hikari now...
There, that shut him up. Now where was I? Ah yes. I was throwing the math homework out the window! Goodbye!
I think I just hit someone.
Nah, it's okay. It was just Jounouchi. Ah ha! Another topic for my journal thing: The stupidity of my hikari's friends.
Jounouchi is one of the dumber ones. He couldn't even dodge the homework and book that I threw out the window. You have to be an idiot (or blind) to have not seen that! Well...Jounouchi is blonde.
I DID NOT WRITE THAT. THE EXTRACT IN THE BLOCKQUOTE IS WRITTEN BY AN AUTHORESS IN FANFICTION.NET. GO READ HER Bakura's Journal story. :3 It's an awesome read. Fear Bakura! And forgive me for my shameless advertising.
See? He hates maths. Rofl. My revenge against P3 who's ten times more eviler and killer!
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