I wonder what's with the Japanese-Chinese plagiarism. It makes me angry just to think of that. First, news were going around the net that Jolin's new image is copying Ayumi's style.
In fact, Jolin's flashy new image is so characteristically Japanese-like, she has been said to copy J-pop queen Ayumi Hamasaki, right down to the latter's fancy fingernails and heavily mascara-ed lashes.
But Jolin insists they are different.
'Ayumi is very sexy. She's very daring too, going nude and wearing just leaves on her body. I'm not like that.'
As for her passion for nail art, Jolin said it started when she went to New York for vocal and dance training three years ago and saw African-American women with 'long and pretty fingernails'. o.O
Looks like imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. While Jolin insists she's no copy cat herself, she doesn't mind if a couple of eager beaver newbies want to ape her look. "I think it's rather nice if a new singer is inspired by me and wants to mimic my style, singing and dance moves. I think that's a real compliment," she tells LIME, pleased as punch. "But if she were to look exactly like me, that'd be too weird!" She adds loftily, "After all, I am the first and original Jolin Tsai."
Sorry Jolin fans. I AM not a chinese artist fans myself. I rather go for those original singers rather than rip-offs ones. It isn't now that most Chinese songs are translated from Japanese songs. For example, Kiroro's songs. Such originality. Such brilliance. =.= Wtf. They were made into chinese songs for god sake.
What happened to our freaking originality and creativity?! D< What the fuck. I notice that "secret of my Heart" has it share of chinese versions songs as well. I don't care if they rewrite the lyrics or if the lyrics had a different story from the original! Just copying the music is enough to make me go BOOM. I'm sure alot of fans agree with me due to loads of the comments I found online.
Worst, some didn't ask for permission and insisted that "It's THEIR song and they're completely ORIGINAL." Fuck that. When Gackt's Vanilla was debuted in 1999, sorry pal, YOU WEREN'T EVEN IN THE ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS YET. You still call that original? Wtf. I call that STEALING OTHER PEOPLE'S COPYRIGHT.
Don't believe me? Check out the video above and try comparing with Gackt's Vanilla. the song was released in 2005. See the huge time gap there? >_>
Argh. These kind of singers just completely #&%$#$@#$@#$ me. Fuck them all. And yes, am VERY PISSED. I say that whatever Toro he is, he's just lucky Gackt didn't sue him for that.
He's lucky also he didn't take any of Squeenix's work like that korean singer in which her MV was banned from getting aired. DON'T EVER MESS WITH SQUEENIX. :3 I just realised that disclaimers don't work. LOL
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