Saturday, May 3, 2008

#35. Fondue~

I have to admit.


I'm a messy eater and DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH AT ME LINDSAY. You're a messy eater too. I just came to realising it when my mom lecture me for about an hour yesterday when she saw those crumbs and scraps on the dinning table. Let's just say it wasn't pretty...

Nor is it a great movie either.

I was banned from eating chocolates since.

But that doesn't mean I idn't smuggle any chocolates back to the room.

And play Mana Khemia while munching on them like hell..

But suddenly, fate decided to be cruel to me.

So when my mom entered the room and saw those sticky sweet stuffs on the floor.

you could probably guessed what happened.

I am going to be deprived of chocolates for a whole month...

Sad, isn't it? ;_;

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