Saturday, June 7, 2008

#40. Finishing Touches

I have been busy lately. Guess what I have to deal with everyday.

1. Sims 2
2. Sims 2
3. sims 2
4. Copying and pasting Gaishyeon
5. Copying and pasting Gaishyeon
6. Sims 2
7. Sims 2

And we're back to square one.

@.@ This shows how much I should get my ass of my brand new laptop for once and hit on the books. It is after all the biggest exam in the year of my life. And I should be hitting it every now and then so i won't get rusty with my memorizing the texts. My friend commented on how I can memorize things easily. True. She has a point there but when it comes to remembering things , my brain didn't fail me once or twice.


I apologize to everyone who have to put up with reminding my homework every now and then. I don't know what's wrong with me. Okay. Maybe  I do, but I swear I'm going nuts.

So i found the chinese translation to the famous YunJae fanfiction and I'm loving every seconds of reading it. It's so sad and so....sad!

I wish i own the orignal copy since it was published. YES. PUBLISHED INTO A NOVEL.


Damn it.

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