I have been meaning to actually post about what happened for the past few weeks. Of course, there's pictures to be shown to everyone who's reading especially to my friends. But I have been busy lately - MAPLING. yes, people. Mapling. You know, the popular 2D-game which involves KS-ing. Killing Porings look-alike. Buying. Selling. Hunting. PMS-ing. And more..KS-ing the
And yes, I have been busy doing that for the past holiday. I didn't go to school on the last day though but I managed to bring myself to
I reached LVL 131 in Maple. And that's something to be celebrated about. >D Last Sunday, me and my friends decided to go out and first, we drowned ourselves in CheeseBox the Magnificent. Don't let the name fool you. They're not 100% CHEESY to my dismay. I thought they were just selling food out of cheese but I did drown myself in a Plain Waffle. Stuffs were too expensive. Couldn't afford the others. And so my waffle came in two circles. I'm in love instantly.
Maple Syrup is always the win. Didn't manage to take any pictures though cause they were just too tempting to leave it there...uneaten. @.@
After that, we went for a little shopping. XDD Somehow we felt richer then and made more crystals. I got myself a Reita crystal with the picture my friend gave me. If my mom didn't stop me, I would have made myself a shrine right then. @.@ Then, we drowned ourselves in coffee zone in which I remembered its FATHER'S DAY and I didn't wish my dad in time. SHOOT. @.@

Sharing is the thing we were supposed to do but somehow, as expensive as Coffeee Zone sounds, we ordered a lot (again) and didn't manage to finish them. What a waste of food. but we played some scrabble. It was fun....But if people took a closer look at what we were actually doing. We might get thrown out and land flat on our butts.

GAY Scrabble. =D Courtsey of Jeslyn, Jackelyn, Nisah and Amal.
And then yesterday, my uncle decided to crash at Coffee Zone AGAIN! @.@ It was sooo embarassing though when the blocks toppled over and fell. We were practically screaming and everyone was staring at us. ROFLMAO.

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