Today was...

LOL. F-U-N!!!
Amal came and pick Jackie up first then me. Then we went to have our lunch~ Amal made it in preperation for Jackie's surprise birthday. Well, actually, we were broke and couldn't even afford a decent 5 bucks breakfast meal at country patch so Amal decided to cook. Sorry Jackie there's no mushroom pie from Country Patch. T__T
Amal took a lot of turns and went to a lot of places...cause we need to cause a confusion for Jackie's brain... Damn. Should have brought a paper bag or use the scarf to wrap her head fully. =.= But instead, we blindfolded her. =D I tied the back and the front. She was this close to blindness. lol!!! Sorry for the tightness Jack. I have to do it. If you don't want the pain anymore, next time we'll knock you out cold. lol That way, you won't feel anything. 8D
Jackie with Amal's handmade Magnet headphones. It didn't cost her anything. And it looks great!!!
Here's Jackie with double knots. LOL. Sorry Jacks. I shoulda gagged you too with my socks.
It's a very delicious meal!! Amal made Fish Tempure, egg, sardines and crab sticks. She even took the time to make very cute little bunny bread. Is it nutella inside? Tastes like Nutella but I could be wrong. XD She even bought us cakes as she won't be able to make it for my birthday... Thanks mal. T______T You're the best!!!
Amal gave Jackie her advanced birthday present. Well, it was only one day earlier. :3 But anyways, Amal made a leek for Jackie's Hatsune Miku's cosplay!! At least she doesn't have to worry about the leek dying... hahaha. And a novel, "He's just not that into you~". But the next thing is what surprises me the most, I didn't expect to get a present...and when I looked inside, my jaw dropped!
It was the Lucky Dog 1's cloth!!! T___________T I WAS LIKE OIMFGFRYFGEYUGFEGFEGFHGFA SPEECHLESS!!!! No wonder she kept on saying that Lucky Dog 1 is sooo on. HAHA. THANKS MAL AND JACKIE FOR THE PRESENT!!! I love you all!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Now my Bernardo cosplay can come true!! I'm sooo gonna rape you. XD Amal's gonna be Giulio!! Oh damn. We're such hardcore Lucky Dog 1 fans. xD I gave her a lot of BL Games. I hope someday we can do Absolute Obedience together too!! Or do another Lucky Dog cosplay again, this time going as Police Gian and Luchino. XD
Here's a side view of Amal as Gaara. Awesome righhht? XD Love how Piang did for the eye. Still waiting for Jackie's Miku shoot and her Sakura!!
Freaking pictures so blur here but click on it to get a clear version. I tried to change the codings to the layout but I still can't figure out where is wrong. But it's like that. I have no idea why. =.=
Imma sign out~ ♥♥♥
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