Friday, January 15, 2010

#237. This is the life?

Hah. Am bored. Like seirously bored. Don't think I'll be going out again anytime soon... Haha. Just saying. Don't look at me like that. Hahahaha. I have been playing Okami. Which is a really really nice game when you think about it. I LOVE the paint brush thing. It's sooo damn cool. =)

Thanks cousin for introducing the game to me. Haha. Have been playing it non-stop. It's nice to control an animal for once. Well, actually he's a god but what the heck? Haha~

So people are asking me for my actual plans. Well, I have a lot of plans for this year. 83 But then yeah~ Here's my plan.
Japanese Culture Week: Mio from K-On
Dev Meet(?): China from Axis Power Hetalia

Give me some love pls. My sisters are watching Needless now. Seriouosly, what is good with that anime? It's sucky...they keep on showing boobies. Well, part of them actually. But have they no decency and shame? >_> My life has been games, sleep, study all day long. So am bored. =(

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