Huaho Mania:
Because of my mom accidentally "went passed the Kiulap HuaHo's crib", we have to go around the whole thing, pass Hotmart, pass Ayamaku, pass Chong Hock which she missed again the so called "crib".
Yes. We were pissed little daughters and my uncle who was in his right mind at the moment was already there. When we told him the situation, he snorted and called me mom a stupid which we, daughters, in turn called our mom a stupid. (Don't eva call your mom a stupid. lol which we did but that's not the point!)
The answer: Because she kept on talking, talking, talking about useless and random stuffs. How awesome is that. =.=
Anyways, after quite a good while, we managed to get to the entrance of Hua Ho where I immeditaly shot myself to the stationary department. :3 Am a sucker for stationary stuffs although I kept on buying and buying, I never seemed to use them at all. It's like useless stuffs but I cannot get my hands off them. ;_; Then I spotted something.
"The Kids Creativity Section."
I grabbed Ping and ran over. Our hearts immediately cried in joy. MODEL KITS. Stupid right? But who cares! Me and my sister are suckers for these things. One is already 18 and one is 16. LOL Sad, huh? We wanted to get the kit which allowed us to make a Alarm Circuit + Detector. It's a cool thing. Like, you just stick the circuit onto the back of the door of your room and place the detector somewhere near there.
When someone opens your door, the alarm will ring. HAHAHA. Great item for alerting you on snooping parents at night. When my mom found out what the pak that is, she wasn't a happy mother. What can we say? Everytime she told us to sleep, we went watching TV and playing the laptop in our room. And when she comes in, my sister slammed the laptop shut, I click the standbuy button and we all looked like little angels. :3
Bummer that we couldn't get it. Tried to smuggle that pass the cashier. And we got caught red-handed. Then she followed us 24/7. What kind of a mother is that?! *insert ew emoticon here* So in the end, unfortunately, we didn't get that kit. Instead we got these...

An Animation Praxinoscope Kit and A Secret Message Kit. We're kids at heart. 8D
There's a lot actually. There's dolls making kit, a lot of physics-related kits, modelling kits, even teach you how to make a windchime kit, and even got the Moon and Earth and Sun kit. I wanted the solar system one but too bad they don't have it. :/
Games Mania:
I have been downloading a lot of games recently.... I blame Oxba. He was trying so hard to satisfy that time. LOL. I am a person who's very difficult to satisfy my boredom. KEKEKEKEKE. So he gave me this link and I feel like am a kid again. Yes. I went into a downloading frenzy. LOL I HATE YOU GAMES. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHA. Downloaded funny games like FishCo, Puppy Luv and wadapak?! HELL'S KITCHEN. ROFL. Am a sucker. I really am. /ew
A reality show turned game. :3 But I have to admit, it's challenging. And wtf?! HIS VOICE. LOL. Is he the real deal or they just find someone with a similar voice to his? Hmm.
Snowhouse Mania:
It's tiring really. All that driving around. Now I know how Piang felt. Haha. PIANG DARLING. NEVERMIND. NEXT TIME I DRIVE FOR JOO~ Apart from a pain in the shoulders, I don't mind really. I LOVE DRIVING. HAHA. Makes me feel powerful almighty on the wheels. 8D
Okay. So me, Jackie, Amal along with my two trusted little sisters went to meet Nab at Artly. Turns out the three boys aren't even here yet. Don't know where they're. Headache. headache. Headache. They are supposed to meet me there at 10 something. But they came late. Fashionably late. :/
The deal? Artly isn't even open yet. LOL So we round around and picked up Nab, then we go and drill ourself in Easy Way and then Chong Hock. Stuck there for a while, look at the cute merchandises, watched out for any awesome new animes. I ahven't been wtaching anime for a long time. D:
I seriously need to get updated. lol
The boys still haven't shown up. =.= Then it's time for lunch, when we reached the mall. A call came and the boys are at KFC. KFC. I have to drop the girls off except for Amal at that Thai Restaurant then I drove back to Kiulap, to the two boys up. What about the other one? What about the birthday boy? Then I dropped Seng off, made his outfit when Samuo called and Mercury go and pick up Samuo. LOL.
And Seng thus, finished his task while whining at the price. LOL. He is to be HISAGI OF BLEACH. *insert dramatic background music here*
Then I drove them back to the Thai Restaurant to find Jackie and the others still eating there. LOL. Seng said goodbye to us and went off to play games and we're stuck with the two monkeys. lol
My sister's Kairi fabric took us like a lot of time to find? After we finished everything at Artly, it was already 4pm. Had fun at the mall then we go to Snowhouse. And now, on to the pictures. HAHA.

Yeh can neva hide from the deadly fon. >D

This is ghey. G-H-E-Y.

What cha staring at. D<

I am after all....


I like this shot. Haha.
Loads more waky pictures. I have trouble trying to capture these two cousins since they're not very keen on having their pictures taken. Besides, if I post up the more funnier ones, they will keeel me and stab me like what they wanted to do at SnowHouse. LOL
Miri Mania:
Miri was a fun experience. Am getting lazy at typing. lol. Such a long post. Anyways, the drive there was shorter than what I expected. We reached there after 2 and a half hour? I thought it would normally take us 3hrs to reach there? Or maybe it's because of my uncle's superb and pro driving skillz. Yeah. Maybe.
Cause whenever he "piao" the car, it's like turbulence. LOL. My cousin hit her head. And it ain't pretty. My auntie was laughing and complaining. Look who's talking. We don't have seat belts, but yeh do. =.= Nearly flew out of our seats. Haha.
I didn't buy much there...except for my daily-used contact lenses and a couple of lotions for my sister? She has really dry skin. :/ I wanted to get the merchandises there. Got this really cute Rei and Asuka wall scroll. /ew I regretted not getting that since in my mind, I was thinking too much of D Gray Man.
Which kinda pisses me off. I have searched almost everywhere. BUT THEY JUST DON'T HAVE THE WHOLE SET. /ew which i didn't buy cause it's useless if I bought the end instead of the first 1-60 episodes. Am lagging behind on my D Gray Man. Seriously.
Oh well...
Alto-hime Mania:
I finally got my costume. THANKS MAL. :3 Since I don't have the wig yet, I tied my hair into a ponytail just to see how it will look like.

A shot on how my outfit looks like.


:/ V-a-i-n. LOL

Another Vain Mode.

Side view. :/
Some asked for the tie. Let's just say I asked them to cut it shorter and lower down the cross thingy. 8D So they will call me if it's done.
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