My cousin thought she saw Hani-senpai lurking around me. But when I put on my glasses, Kyouya came out! :0 Crazy girl. =.=;; Even William says that! My god. :0
My godbrother say I look like a guy. Rofl. And he loved the wig. :0 While Adib thought I was L cause I wasn't wearing glasses at that time. Rofl.
So we cosplay night!

Ani tah Nana in her uberly white Near outfit. :3 She gave me a link to a Lucky Star Porn. I couldn't continue to watch it after like 7 minutes? Cause it's too intense for me. I was trying hard to stay in character by keeping a straight face. Rofl. But ish failing miserably. D:

Here's almight Tsunade with her amazing Tsunade PUNCH! Did that on poor Kyouya. T_T Cause Kyouya is being a Fagget again.

And lastly, it's me in my Kyouya outfit. Rofl. I still think I look weird.
And lastly, this couple of vain shots are for Teerah who wants to see me again. =.=;;

For those people who just wants to see Kyouya getting horneh. Go read Piang's blog and Nana's. They took a screenshot of me when I wasnt noticing. ROFL. Wonders porn can do.
So Nana got addicted to Maple once again. :0 Say she was busy trying out and buying out all of the stuffs in the cash shop. Rofl. Omg. I say Rofl. AGAIN. Need to get out of that habit soon. XD
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