Sunday, June 12, 2011

#297. Oh shi- Tokimeki Memorial?!

First off, Imma nail SAEKI, then nail SHIBA. Then dump Saeki and then NAIL SHIBA AGAIN.
Oh god, I love my life. <3

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

#296. EA Con Ticket + Goodie Bag Preview

I bet a lot of people are very interested and are set on coming to EA Con next July 16th and 17th. It's Brunei's first ever convention and I hope a lot of people are coming to enjoy it. We have a lot of interesting games and things to showcase especially the local cosplayers strutting the outfits of their favorite character.

It's going to be the best moment of our life. Everybody who purchased the tickets will of course get a goodie bag! Awesome right?! The goodie bag will include drinks and food as well as some gifts! So no need worry too much about that. :)

Ticket cost 15 bucks each and it's on for two days. Please do not lose your ticket as they need to be chopped two times. One time per day. And every time you want to go back into the event hall, you will need to flash your ticket to the security units who will be in charge of guarding the door. This is to prevent anyone without tickets or suspicious individuals from coming in.

Also, all weapons, will be check upon entry so please don't be afraid if you got stop at the entrance. If somehow the tickets get sold out. People can still purchase the ticket on the day of the event itself so no worries about that! Unless there's been a change of plans.

Here's a preview of the ticket and goodie bag! These are just samples and the picture is stolen from Rai's FB.

See you at EA Con! =)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

#295. Silent Hill?

Has anyone seen the trailer for the new Silent Hill game? I think it goes by the name of Silent Hill: Downpour. A cousin of mine posted the link in facebook. To be honest, I got really excited by it. It looks different yet mysterious and I can't wait to watch someone play.

Yeah, someone. Since I am not scared and afraid to play it all by my own.  By the way, I started playing Heart Gold now. It's just too fun. There are more colors when compared to the olden days. And yeah, I remembered I started off with Chikorita back then. Now I pick Cyndaquil which, according to many blogs and review site that it's the easy mode of the game.

I don't really care about it that much. But it's really cool to play. I downloaded the patched version since am not really bothered or have much cash to buy the original game. Loving it so far.

I have yet to finish playing Pokemon Black but will soon once all of my main pokemons reached 100 or so.

#294. I see showers of rain

This will be my new life.

Well, the truth is I got tired of my old blog. Everything is so messed up and every post I ever posted sounds too childish to me. That's just not me.

Thank you for sticking with me so far.

You welcomed me to yours.

Now, I welcome you to mine.