Thursday, April 14, 2011

#291. Are You Alice?

商品名:カラコレシリーズ Are you Alice? トレーディングマスコット 

I read this manga back then but was too blurred and stupid to know what it's about. Then I encountered the manga again today and I finished reading the whole 17 chapters. LOL

ADDICTED MUCH. NOW I can't get enough of this!! Movic's releasing this cute set of Are You Alice? characters and damn, you can practically see that they did a great job on it!! It will be 4mm in height! I am already imagining it to be a cute phone or bag accessory! This set have all of the characters I want! It will retail for 4,200 yen and is due for release in June. 

Too bad I have something coming in June already. But I will try and squeeze this in. One set will contain 8 pieces. Not sure whether they're randomized or not but this is indeed too adorable to resist.

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