I wonder why... (sarcasm)
I went as Haruhi Suzumiya from MoHS, Nana as Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High, Piang as Konan from Naruto, Dee as Karen from Code Geass. A guy went as Roy Mustang and we were like wow! Awesome outfit. XD That proves not all Bruneian tailors are inexperience with costumes. Me and the gang came up with our own conclusion!

Make another batch of cosplays.
LOL! Doesn't really make much sense.
We are plannning to do a group cosplay with bleach so I think it should be okay. But before that, the three of us settle on a conclusion. We decided to do our own individual cosplay first so it will be once more like a...crossover again. @.@
-> Me: Kyouya from Ouran
-> Nana: Len from Vocaloid
-> Piang: Akira from Lucky Star
XDDD! We will be going out tomorrow to get the cloth and everything. Yesh! We are abusing Piang's ability to drive. XD
Note: If anyone know who made this awesome Reita banner am using at the moment. Please kindly leave a comment so I can credit. X3
Tin Soldier is going to be posted soon if everything goes well with the other half of the chapter. Yes. Chapter 2 is still in the works but I have the plot written down and eveyrthing. I heard from my cousin that it was a heavy read since it's very much focused on emotions. That's part of the style you see. Jae, as most of you has read it, is a very mentally unstable person. And I doubt I will be making his life more less tougher than the minute. His childhood was worse so he didn't get to experience the love that normal families will give due to uncertain circumstances. You will have to continue reading if you want to know what happened and what's going to happen. So wait up for my updates! :D
And as I mentioned it before, Yunho and the guy who introduced Jae to his "other job" are not the same person so please do not confused them together. Jae meant the person was his first (since he brought him into this) and also his last (Jae's policy was applied to this case). For those who read it seemed to have gotten the wrong image. I'm sorry if most of you got mixed up because of this. That's how I wrote it. And of course, this will partly be my ranting journal and also a sub-fanfiction journal where I share works which I have written. So expect more fictions from me, not only from the TVXQ fandom but also from others as well.
On a side note, you might found out by now that the tags are not yet organized. I'm working on them right now. @.@ Sorry for the inconvenience to fully browse through my journal easily and more efficiently instead of going back ten pages to just find one post. =.=;; Fanfictions will be under the Fanfic: ### thingy while rants will just be rants. XD Only chaptered stories will have their own tags. If you wish to find everything by their own ratings, I have made them possible too. And also for those who wish to find the stories by their fandoms. Oneshots will only be categorized under their own fandoms as well as ratings. Since just 1 post per tag is cracking my space. =.=;;
For those who friended me just for the fanfictions...I have to say that I'm sorry for not adding you back. This is because of the fact that you are not adding me because of the sake of reading my journal posts and I hate to clutter my friend list. (Not to say that I have many) if you like to become a friend of mine, please comment to be added. Otherwise, you will not be added. The fanfictions are for public viewing so I don't have to add you because of it. I'm sorry if I sounded harsh back there. HOWEVER, (yes, there's a however), unless one fanfiction is friend-lock, I will add you guys back so just leave it the way it is for now. :D
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