Thank you Brit for the awesome tutorial and for giving me a chance to borrow your map concept! I came across this wonderful Marauder's map. It's not an EXACT replica of the one in the movies but this will do for the Harry Potter photoshoot am going to take part in this weekend. I still have yet to decide where to hold the shoot though, even after discussing with ScarySoul. ^^;; Hopefully, others will suggest something also.
Before the actual HP shoot, am going to participate in a Pokemon Group Shoot as well. WEE. I totally can't wait for it! Will blog more about it after the shoot actually happens this Friday.I hope. I still have yet to blog about my Takaba shoot which was done lately. But pictures are already on facebook! ^^;;
Anyways, Scarysoul offered to print it
Looks good and big so far. I told him to dip the whole thing in coffee for a parchment effect. It looks like this:
It's still very wet. But the color is damn nice. But we completely forgot that once the whole thing is dried, the color will be lighter. However, from the picture, it still looks fine by me. Here's the comparison between white and the dried color. The tear is an accident. I almost had an heart attack. LOL. He assured me that it won't be visible and needed to be cut off anyways to fold the shitty thing.
I LOVE IT. LOL It gives a nice effect! But since we don't have much props, I asked him to crumple five A4 size papers and dip them into the tub as well. Effect:
So-so. But it's still better than nothing. :p
And uh, ignore the Flash Figure. Bought it at the local hobby store. :p