Sunday, August 29, 2010

#257. Goods: Okamiden Set

This bloody thing cost 93 USD per set. Should I? Should I?? Nah. :x

Saturday, August 28, 2010

#256. Goods: BRS + Hatsune Miku MUST GET!

My true love will always be the weirdest and the most cutest things I ever laid my eyes on.

I preordered her the moment I laid my eyes on her. DEAD MASTER IS TOO CUTE TO RESIST!!

I'm SOOOO going to get her when she's ready for release!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

#255. Goods: BRS BD and DVD set

I pre-ordered this when it was out. Now, they updated the pics. The package looks awesome! I can't wait to get my hand on it. :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

#254. Another Day

Guess who am I going to cosplay? :p I'm sorry. There won't be any rewards even if you manage to get it right. hahaha. I just seriously can't believe I'm doing this. Watching the series really made me think of my childhood days again.

People will laugh if I mention it. That's for sure since the whole thing is just soo overrated. But who cares? It will still remain a classic in the years to come. I just can't believe they're tarnishing the name. :/ 

 I have so many plans for this year. I got at least 3 I'm gonna do with Amal when she comes back!
  • Uchiha Sasuke
  • Yamamoto Takeshi
  • Bernardo

I really can't wait!! And I got a couple to do with Piang they all also. Don't worry darling, I didn't forget about Kagura from Gintama. :p

Anyways, Discrete Maths test was okay but because of my SOI mouth, we have a test in two weeks time again. WHY SIR, WHY?! I just can't believe itttt..

Noooooooooooooo~ Again. -.- And I got so many assignments to do. I even have one due this Saturday. :( So I'm going to do it tomorrow with Piang.

Monday, August 23, 2010

#253. It's the Same Thing.

Oh lord. Soul Eater really cracks me up. :) My maths exam test is tomorrow so wish me luck? I saw Amal's picture for her Manifest cosplay. She went as Death the Kid and Death really suits her very well!! No pun intended. Nor do I wish she's somehow...well, you know what.

There's a sungkai dinner tomorrow with Abu and the rest! So wee and yay for us!! Short post cause I ain't got any time left.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

#252. Drama CD: Chiral Cafe

Welcome to the Chiral Cafe. 

I still can't believe Shiki's the errand boy. :p The whole thing features the main semes and ukes in all three games from Nitro Chiral. 

Darn. I still want the Sweet Set. It comes with a book. 


Friday, August 6, 2010

#251. Fat Cat

Jon showed me this. OH LORD. SO ADOWABLE. :p

Go login to FB and watch now!!

Fat cats are awesomely lazy funny.